Finali gt my own blog liao..Woohoo~~~*claps*
Finali gt my own blog liao..Woohoo~~~*claps*
First of all, muz thank my unusuali helpful bro for managin to source for tis blogskin n helpin mi settle all da tagboard music n stuf..i reli lurve tis blogskin! thanx lotsa! =)
Then of cuz, muz praise myself a lil also cuz sum of da details i changed myself de lor..aft sum coachin frm da so-called future IT expert cum entrepreneur..heex..
Tis blog contains my craze over xiaozhu aka my ahem which im sure mani of my frens wil noe wat i hope dat u pple wil like tis blog too n support him!

xiAo zHu rOckZ!!!