Thursday, September 6, 2007
finzy posted at 10:31 PM

tdy is juz nt my day..or shld i sae, lab days r all juz nt my days..heex..started da lab session tdy sweeping da floor..cuz i din pay attention to da notice pasted outside da oven so i happily took out da drying tube n pa, da beads spilled all over da floor..none left in da u can imagine hw "wide-spread" da "damage" was..lucky my lab mates r kind souls, 1 helped mi to get da broom n dust pan while d other helped mi to sweep up da mess..but i felt bad lettin mi him sweep da floor for mi la, since i was da one whu created da mess, so i shld b da one clearin it up lah, so ya, i took over frm him eventualli..i juz wanna sae a beri big thank u to them!!! heex..
da worst has yet to cum..i actuali followed people blindly n screwed up my whole expt..spent a few hrs doin da expt n ended wif nuthin..frm wat i can remb, tis is da 2nd time le bah..da 1st was da fractional distillation i did wif a fren last yr but dat wasnt so bad i guess..tis was worse..i felt so sad n angry n stupid lah..more of da latter though..y did i haf to follow wat those so-called li hai de pple sae? why was i so naive n stupid to trust them completely? why didnt i ask for more opinions? why why angry at myself lah..but ive learnt a beri valuable lsn tdy: always seek for professional advices and turn to more reliable n trustworthy pple for help..da majority may nt always be may end up everybody doin da wrong things, die tgt..
so nt lookin forward to da nxt 2 wks cuz doin da top 2 hardest n longest expt for this 1st half of da sem..die..dun even noe if i can manage to finish on time nt..seriously i dunno why im so slow leh..mebe cuz im more cautious bah, so everything muz double check be4 doin..perhaps wif more prac, i'll bec more shou lian n pro bah..heex..