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Saturday, January 26, 2008
finzy posted at 11:41 PM

I wonder how come some people so don't cherish their own lives. Last week on my way to the train station, this half naked guy suddenly ran past me and dashed across the busy street, ignorant to the bus that was approaching. That left me stunned for a moment. When he returned, I saw a soccer ball in his hand. The first thought that came into my mind, which I suppose almost all of you will too, was that this is a stupid fellow. Reason? Simple and straightforward-a ball or your life? Only a fool will choose the former over the latter.

On another instance, while I was on my way home, I saw this whole group of people, who were waiting at the traffic light, turning their heads towards the same direction. Beholding the unique local value of kpo-ism, I looked towards their direction. And I saw this young man trying to dash out of the main road while his 2 other friends were trying to hold him back. The about-to-dash and trying-to-grab-his-shirt-and-pull-him-back actions were repeated quite a few times, at least the whole while while I was waiting for the man to turn green. Quite a shock to me, witnessing these kind of 惊险 scenes twice a week. What is happening to people nowadays?

Anyway, bad things aside, went out with lil cousin today to shop for her top and my own stuffs and I am so happy because I have finally settled my cny stuffs today!!! wohoo~~Can comfortably wait for the day to come liao..Haha..But not that comfortably bah, cause still gotta do spring cleaning next week, which is gonna be very tiring! But the thought of the whole family working together naturally cuts down the unwillingness, torture and tire =) Looking forward to cny cause can rest, can wear new clothes, can eat many many many cny goodies! Wahaha..


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥