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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
finzy posted at 11:12 PM | 0 Noticed Me

MeiWei and I were waiting for Daphne at the control station today and we saw something that was quite amusing.

While looking around, I saw this $10 dollar note that was bring fed out from the mouth of the top-up machine. So i told mw about it and we started observing people who were topping up their ez-link cards at the machines that were beside this machine. Apparently no one saw the note because they either just walked past the machine or, after seeing the "Out of Service" sign at the top, went to the other machines. Until this woman came. We saw her walked up to the machine, placed her card on the reader and after looking around a little, took the note and kept in her possession.

My comment was her acting was super lousy. And kind of funny too. She thought no one saw it, but we do. Heex..

When she walked past us, she just looked very normal and calm, nothing special. But when we saw her again at the berth with a man, she was like so happy lor and we presumed she was sharing the "secret" with that man cause she was like whispering into the man's ear. She was grinning all the way now that she was out of the "crime scene". Quite funny.

Actually now that I come to think of it, I think I was quite silly. Like what mummy have just said, if I don't take it, someone else will do. Why let others stand to gain when I should be the one benefiting instead? True. Like what I've mentioned in my presentation today, selfless people are very rare. There's even a chinese saying, 人不为己,天诛地灭. How I wish I could turn back time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
finzy posted at 10:43 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Wounds need time to heal.

It could be 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year or longer. No one has a definite answer.

Sometimes what the person needs is not only time, but more importantly, the support, love, care and concern from the loved ones.

It not that they want it to happen, they too hope that they can get over it soon but the psychological barrier is simply too huge. It is the hardest thing to overcome.

We always sat that only you can help yourself go through the ordeal, no one else can help you. But is that true to a full extent? I doubt so. The support from family and friends plays a very vital role too. It is the driving force, the power for the person to persevere, to hang on, to look ahead, to move forward.

I doubt anyone knows what the person is really feeling deep down inside. The person may be trying very hard, trying the very best to get out from the ordeal, just that we don't see it. The person may be feeling very down and very helpless deep inside. The person may just do some things to cover up his/her helplessness and vent out his/her anger. The anger arising from themselves, from not being able to walk out of the ordeal still.

I feel sad, really sad when I see the same things happening again and again. Undoubtedly, support from loved ones is very important. But I know what the person really need is TIME. Time to sort out the feelings. Time to think about the future. Time to pull oneself up. Time to convince oneself that it's not the end. Some things just cannot be rushed. But apparently many people just don't get this theory. Mutual understanding and care and concern is very important. Spare a thought and think about the person's feelings.

We always say "putting yourself in others' shoes", apparently it does not apply to all cases. Some things you just cannot understand and feel the pain and hurt unless you've been really through it. If you cannot understand, let actions speak instead.

I've always believe that time can heal all wounds. I still do. I'm looking forward to THE DAY.


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥