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girlsdreamland .blogspot.com ♥

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
finzy posted at 9:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Hosted my first ever 'live' on-air show today!

Though Daphne and I were like so lost, not knowing how to operate the equipment and all, we still managed to pull through the whole 2 hours. Haha..

There were quite a couple of problems actually. First we couldn't hear our voices through the ear-phones n stereo. Luckily the MD came in in time to help us out. Then the SM called me to tell me that we forgot to switch off the mikes so apparently everyone tuning in to the station at that moment heard our private conversation. Praying that we didn't say anything bad about anyone or anything. Heex..The next thing was that the system in the booth can only play music in mp3 format! And I've saved mine as wma! So we frantically searched through our thumb drives and in the end we managed to source enough songs to last us through our programme. Phew, close shave. So basically our 2 hours were spent solving one problem after the other. But we managed to do it! Haha..

After this first experience, we now know how to better run our programme, kinda getting the hang of it le. It's fun actually. After all, not everyone has or will have the chance to host an on-air programme. So must really enjoy it. Heex..Looking at ways to improve our programme also, hopefully the next will be better! At least, I won't let the songs go wrong again. Heex..

Saturday, August 23, 2008
finzy posted at 11:19 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I went to catch this movie with my family on Friday night, after Mummy and I didn't manage to catch it last week. Frankly speaking, I didn't have much expectations for this movie but since Mummy, and then Papa, wanted to watch so jiu went with them lor. I didn't expect so many people inside the cinema actually since the movie has already been up for like 3 weeks? Yup, but seems like the box office is really good.

As usual, the movie touched on alot of 小市民的心声 and many issues that are prevalent in our current society. The movie was super touching towards the end, I felt like crying out loud lor, but cannot lah, too embarrassing le. Heex..Wonder how some children can just treat their parents so cruelly. How could they bear to do those kind of things to their parents who went through so much to bring them up and nurture them lor. So terrible.

I don't deny that sometimes my attitudes towards my parents especially my Mummy are bad. I really very much appreciate her tolerance and understanding because after all the tantrums and all, when I think back, if I were her, I definitely would have snapped at my kids le. Cheers to the nobleness of parents. =)


Saturday, August 16, 2008
finzy posted at 4:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me

You are 10:02 a.m.
You are breakfasty, like a pile of pancakes on a Sunday morning that have just the right amount of syrup, so every bite is sweet perfection and not a soppy mess. You are a glass of orange juice that's cool, refreshing, and not overly pulpy. You are the time of day that's just right for turning the pages of a newspaper, flipping through channels, or clicking around online to get a sense of how the world changed during the night. You don't want to stumble sleepily through life, so you make a real effort to wake your brain up and get it thinking. You feel inspired to accomplish things (whether it's checking something off your to-do list or changing the world), but there's plenty of time for making things happen later in the day. First, pancakes.

13% of the people who took this quiz got the same evaluation.

Amazing test. See, Im indeed SWEET! =P Keke..

Friday, August 15, 2008
finzy posted at 11:42 PM | 0 Noticed Me

It has been two weeks since I left YHS, kind of miss my ex-colleagues. It was a really enjoyable experience working with them. Going to work everyday was so stress-free and relaxed. Even though I was only a temp, they treated me really well, the whole dept was like a big family to me. It was a very different encounter from the previous one, I felt more warmth and ren qing wei in this dept. But happy moments are always so short-lived.

During my last week of work, the whole dept, including our big boss, treated me to a sumptuous meal. I was quite surprised because I didn't expect everyone to turn up. The most surprising and touching part was on my last day of work. My supervisor and colleagues whom I always hang around and work with actually bought me a very very sweet gift! It really caught me by surprise. They actually bought a small photo frame and inside was one of the photos we took during my supervisor's birthday. So sweet and thoughtful of them! Lucky I've also prepared some customized gifts for them. Heex..

I'll remember the fond memories of all the birthday celebrations, feasts, car pool etc de. It was a great pleasure working with you guys. =)

**Some pictures from Gary's concert**

Monday, August 11, 2008
finzy posted at 12:42 AM | 0 Noticed Me

It has been a week since the new academic year. Time really flies. For some, they are already in their last year of study, or even last semester. Soon, they will be entering the varsity of society (社会大学).

Sometimes when people ask you about your ambition, what you want to achieve in life, your goals etc, it's kind of scary and guilty not being able to give them a definite reply or even give an answer. Does a life without a goal equate to a life without meaning? We always hear others talking about their ambitions, but just how many people are able to achieve their goals ultimately? Daring to dream and being realistic, they just don't go with each other huh?

Monday, August 4, 2008
finzy posted at 10:37 PM | 0 Noticed Me

On the 25th of July, the 4 pretty As went to Hanabi to celebrate the eldest A's birthday. It was a session full of fun, laughter, nonsense and cam whoring. Oh by the way, sashimi is really not nice, don't know why some people love it so much.

Can I have a similar present for my birthday too? It's simply soooooooooooooooo sweet! =)

After dinner, the 4 girls went to Cafe Cartel and had a pretty bad encounter there. But the ice-cream was really nice though. Thanks to the 3 sisters, the prettiest A got a pretty big share of the dessert =P

With full full stomachs, eldest A went to chalet while the other 3 As headed home. At home, it was mahjong session!!! Wahaha...Needless to say, the winner was the prettiest A and she tong sha! Wahaha...Who was the one who suggested playing mahjong in the first place? =P

Really had an enjoyable time with them all and hopefully the next time round Mr R can join in the fun! Haha..


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥