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Friday, October 31, 2008
finzy posted at 10:45 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I've got my FIRST 21st birthday present today!!! And of course, the lovely present is from my dearest Papa and Mummy!!! So happy!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
finzy posted at 10:45 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Been very busy the past weekends, not with studies, but with outings and birthday party! Haha..

There was this wedding lunch on Sunday and then the much awaited Singapore Flyer trip!!! Woohoo~~~

I must admit, before going there, like many people, I had this thought, "Singapore Flyer? Sure not, what's there to see, Singapore is only this big. Plus with the IR projects going on now, all you can see are tower cranes, construction sites and many many holes." But trust me, after taking a ride up there, you'll realise how naive you have been.

So small, but yet...

so BIG!!!

I was kinda shocked when I saw the real size of the capsule. It's really really big. Then before you get to the boarding area, there's this place where they'll help capture a photo for you, photo of you in the capsule. And everything is done automatically! Super cool!

I think the settings are quite similar to the airport. There's this stretch of path that really looks like the connector to the entrance of a plane (dunno if that's the correct term, but around there lah. heex..). Then it'll lead you to the capsule, of course. The thing I don't really like about it is there after exiting from the stretch, there's this "road" that is not sealed or barricaded or anything, just a safety net beneath. So you really have to take good care of the kids else they'll just fall over and end up at the net which I have doubts about its strength.

Part of the "road" to boarding the capsule...the net is just above the trees..

Upon boarding the capsule, there'll be this "tour guide" who will guide you through the 30-minutes ride and introduce you to the many sights that you'll see. Ours was a malay guy and I think he's quite funny. Heex..You'll get to see many many many many landscapes, such as Changi Airport, and even other countries like Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia etc etc, that you'll never to see and realise when you are as a normal person on land. We were so super duper excited even before boarding the capsule and you can imagine the state of excitement we were in throughout the whole journey. And you'll realise that 30 minutes is really too short!!! Heex..

The F1 pit stop..

The Marina Barrage, to be opened on 1Nov..

The Marina Golf Course...

The floating platform, now transformed into a soccer field, on which, according to bro, a match will be played at a later date..

The Stratis of Malacca...

The legendary Hotel 13 (Hotel Copthorne)...

The future IR..Poor workers hafta work 24/7 in order to complete the project by 2010 else the contractors would have to be fined 20million per day. Gosh..

At the peak of our dear Singapore Flyer, 165m off ground, 42 storeys high...splendid view..

My look-fierce-but-very-kind father, sweet-but-scared-of-height mummy and trying-to-act-cool bro and not forgetting the trying-to-act-cute me =P

Fun time with cousins' family in the capsule...

Our family and Xiao Gu's family...I like this picture alot alot alot!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
finzy posted at 10:48 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I didn't realise that there are like so many november babies until invitations came one after another. And that includes yours truly =)

Yea, have already started planning for my 21st birthday party and have sent out invitations to those who should receive them. Since my house is like not very big and my parents are inviting alot of relatives, I am "entitled" to invite only a couple of friends, with the limited space that we have. So, if you are invited, that means you play a very important role in my life and your presence means alot to me! Heex..

Invitation card wise, I've spent 2 pain-staking nights figuring out how to use the program and design the card and finally I came up with something that I thought was not too bad, still presentable, given the "high" level of 艺术天分that I possess.

The card that was done by me...

But but but, dear dear bro thought that it was too dull and within 1-2 hours he came up with the card that you people have received. I have to admit that the one he did is really much much better than mine. So I allow myself to be mocked by him and labeled "no艺术天分". But since I've spent so much effort and time in doing my invitation card, I've decided to publish it here, for the benefit of those who didn't get a chance to admire my masterpiece. Heex..

The card that was done by bro...

I lurve XiaXia so much and she made my day cause she said my card was nice!!! Wahaha..In case you are wondering, "Sure not, you think too much lah, she just wanna console you only." I can very firmly tell you, NO, she meant what she said. I could feel that she really meant it okie, don't ever doubt this fact =P

Saturday, October 4, 2008
finzy posted at 1:47 PM | 0 Noticed Me

A friend once told me that if you ever wear a 玉镯 or 佛珠 on you and it breaks not long after you wear it, it means that that item is not the right one foe you. But if you've been wearing it for quite some time and it fits you very well, then that means that's THE ONE for you. But if it ever breaks one day, there are 2 ways of deciphering it. It could symbolise a bad omen and that something bad is gonna happen. Like what we always see in shows, the lady reciting with 佛珠 in her hands then suddenly the string snapped and something bad happened to her loved one(s). The other, which is the better one, is that something bad has happened and the 玉镯 or 佛珠 has so called "sacrificed" itself to help you 挡煞, so you have been "protected" by your 玉镯 or 佛珠.

I choose to believe in the latter.


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥