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Sunday, November 9, 2008
finzy posted at 3:18 PM

My 21st Birthday Party Part 1:

Ms Bi Ying is a very very very happy girl!!! =)

Just held my 21st birthday party yesterday at my home sweet home and it was so fun! I thank each and every relative and friend for their presence and I really really appreciate it alot. And of course, most importantly, my parents who 出钱出力 in organising this party and making it a great success! I am very thankful for all the love, care and concern that my loved ones have showered me with, I am really very contented and I do feel very very 幸福!

I was trying very very hard not to cry on the party cuz the make-up and all will smudge then the birthday girl will become so ugly. But while typing this post, alot alot of memories flooded into my brain and that feeling just surfaced from deep within my heart. Many a times, people just tend to keep their truest feelings deep inside them, not because they don't wanna share, but because some feelings are 非笔墨所能形容, it's just too difficult, or rather, insufficient, to use words to describe them. I decided to "pen" down some of my feelings, feelings that I am more comfortable in sharing and that I could find appropriate or close-enough words to describe.

To my 公公 & 婆婆 - Ah girl 的童年因为有你们的疼爱,是很美好的。每次 Papa/Mummy 因为我坏蛋要打我的时候,你们都会出来保护我,每次我想去玩的时候,都会带我到家楼下的 playground 玩,还买糖果, 饼干给我吃,深怕我吃不饱,肚子饿。还有,每天放学有motor 可以坐回家,那时我第一次坐 motor。对一个当时只有 7, 8岁的小朋友来说,这是很刺激的,所以我超爱坐的你的motor。这一切的一切都深深地埋藏在我的心里,这些美好的童年记忆我是永远不会忘记的。

To my parents - Your daughter has grown up le! Thank you for all these years of upbringings and tolerating my willfulness . 辛苦你们了!=)

To my bro - Although you ALWAYS bully me, but without you fighting with me all the time, it'll be so boring. And thanx to you, I've mastered the highest level of "忍功" =P

To my cousins - Thank for bringing all the childhood memories back to me. I am really really touched. You girls are sooooooo sweet! =)

To my late 阿嬷 - Ah Girl 长大了! 希望你在另一个世界过得很好很好,我们会乖的,不用担心。


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥