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Monday, May 10, 2010
finzy posted at 1:09 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Seeya at


Wednesday, February 10, 2010
finzy posted at 10:42 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I had a very bad encounter on the train today on my way home.

At boon lay station, there were many people waiting to board the train and get a seat, as usual. So, as I boarded the train, my usual style, find a seat. Heex..I spotted 2 empty seats and as I walked to it, this GUY he actually "THUMP", sat down there. While I was like only less than 5 small steps away? And his gf happily sat at the empty seat beside him. I was totally stunned. And did I forget to mention that he's only in his early twenties? KaoZ...

I felt so ridiculed. And to think after he sat down, I actually did not think of sitting down beside him cuz I tot he might just want to sit with his gf. What was I doin, man! But I was really stunned. A guy who's ard the same age as, if not older than, me, actually snatched my seat, right in front of me, under my nose! What has become of the society?!!!!

And and and, the gf did not seem at all displeased with her bf's actions orh. They happily sat down there, oblivious to my stares. No wonder they are a couple, a very compatible couple indeed.

He's so LC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
finzy posted at 10:55 PM | 0 Noticed Me

YEAR 2010

With the start of a brand new year, often, people will start asking one another their new year resolutions. Mine? Simple.

Good health. Good degree. Good job.


Thinking back, many things have happened in 2009. On a personal level, that is.

Bro got enlisted. Life without bro at hm on wkdays. I finally got a chance to experience how work is like in the chemistry industry. After like 5, 6 years, a sec sch class gathering. A mini one i guess. Xmas gift exchanges. New year countdown. Etc etc...

2010 will mark a new phase of my life. A phase that I dread but has to arrive. Lets just hope and pray that everything will turn out well and as wished =)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
finzy posted at 11:37 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Happy 18th Birthday to Missy Alivia!!!

Birthday is an occasion that calls for celebrations, since it comes only once a year. This year, the year following the year I officially got my "key" from my parents, I kind of dread it to a certain extent.

Yes, I was
very excited knowing my birthday's nearing. But when the actual day comes, I actually felt kinda frightened. Not really that kind of frightened that will scare you off, but the kind that makes u feel, "Oh no, I am one year older now. 1kg of load added. I don't want to grow up." Year after year I have the same thought but yet year after year I can' t stop the number from growing except to hypnotize myself.

And why does birthday always pass by so fast? It's not fair!

Thursday, October 8, 2009
finzy posted at 10:35 PM | 0 Noticed Me

"I am no longer a civilian. I am now a civilian protector."
~Mister Ray

My brother is officially an army boi!

We've been talking about it for weeks, counting down since last week and finally, THE DAY has come.

08 October 2009 08/10/2009 08102009 08/10/09 08.10.09

The whole family woke up at around 6am this morning, preparing to leave the house at 6.45am. We arrived at pasir ris at around 7.30am and we already saw some people waiting at the bus area. Aren't they excited to be enlisted? Keke..

Since it was still early, we went for breakfast and went to join the crowd after that. Hmmm the shuttle bus was like those sbs buses, nothing special to talk about and the trip to the ferry terminal took about 15 minutes.

The vessel that brought us to tekong looked nice and comfy and was air-conditioned, kinda different from what i pictured. I thought it would be like those lok kor boat which you can even feel the wind brushing your face.

Another 15 minutes of ferry ride and "TA DA", Welcome to Pulau Tekong!

The place was very different from what I've pictured too. Heex..The environment seemed very hmmm condusive, very modern, very clean and nice. Hehe..Upon arriving at the auditorium, Brother were separed from us. Apparently the enlistees had some admin stuffs to do so in the meantime a tour was arranged for us the visitors. There was a bus that brought us from place to place, first introducing us to the various items that the enlistees would be given - their uniforms, shirts, shoes, basic necessities, ration packs etc. Their food menu looked tempting too. Heex..Then we visited their bunks and recreational room. Everything looked great. No wonder I always hear people saying that nowadays de ns men are really lucky, they won't eat a lot of bitter one (direct translation =P). Now that I see for myself, it seems true. At least at that moment, to my eyes.

After the tour, we headed to the auditorium, where the enlistees were already seated, for a talk and oath-taking ceremony of the enlistees. After the ceremony, it was lunch time! The enlistees were assembled outside the auditorium like kindergarden kids waiting for their parents to fetch them home. So Papa and I spotted Brother and off we went to makan!!!

The food mah, hmmmm, the yam rice was chao dar and hard, the veggie and meat was too salty, the apple doesn't look ripe (very yellow), the soup which is salty veggie tofu soup was not salty when it is supposed to be. So, Im worried for dear Brother.

After lunch, we parted with Brother and he was off to assemble at the parade with his platoon mates. I can sense Papa's and Mummy's bu she then. Actually I though I would cry or something but amazingly I didn't. Maybe cuz after touring the bmtc, I am more aware of the environment that he will be in, so I am less worried le bah. I am sure he'll survive through the 9 weeks intensice training de. Cuz he's my brother! =)

On the way back to main island, I must say the 待遇 is very different. First, we had to walk back to the ferry terminal (buses were arranged for us when we first arrived at tekong). Then the ferry was small and old and not comfy (the one we boarded when we went tekong was big and cooling and spacious). We had to wait for 15 minutes for the shuttle bus to bring us back to Pasir Ris Bus Interchange from the ferry terminal (1-2 minutes' wait when we went to the ferry terminal from Pasir Ris in the morning). So what does this imply?

I wonder how's Brother doing now. How he looks like having a botak head. How he's mingling with his section mates. I just hope he doesn't 得罪 people. Thing to be glad is that he has friends in the same platoon as him. What a beautiful coincidence.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
finzy posted at 10:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me


These four-legged freaks are so detestable!!! They are all around you, waiting for THE moment to strike.

Have you ever, while washing your hair, suddenly heard a "THOP" sound and felt something dropped on your hand? And out of instinct and curiosity, opened your eyes to find a LIZARD right on the back of your hand?! Yes, I just did! YuckZ x infinity!!!

You can't imagine the shock and horror I got when I saw that freaky monster on me! I immediately screamed, shook it off to the floor and squatted on the toilet bowl, too scared to move another inch. I can't get to the showers section cuz the
freaky monster was still inside, apparently wanted a bath too "-_-"

I decided I can't sit and wait for it to go off by itself so I decided to call for reinforcement. And Mr Hero aka Tang Papa helped me got rid of it. Thanks my hero! Keke..As for the process mah, I don't think anyone would be interesed. Heex..

You can't imagine how gross it was to have touched
that freaky monster unless you've such an encounter before. It's really G-R-O-S-S. I can't imagine what would have happened if the sound of the running water was so loud that I hadn't hear that "THOP" sound. I can't imagine what would have happened if I had decided to ignore the sound even after hearing it. Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat after all.

Then back to my room after the "thrilling" bath, I saw lizard's poo-poo on the floor. Yucks x 100!

I wish Mr Freaky Monster would just leave me alone. Forever.

Friday, July 17, 2009
finzy posted at 10:37 PM | 0 Noticed Me

"The working world is indeed very realistic."

That's my conclusion after 2 weeks of internship.

Yes, I do know the importance of a degree, or more accurately, an honors. And yes, I do know that first class is better than second upper which is better than second lower and so on. What I've neglected is the distinction among them - in terms of the jobscope and, of course, money money money. I mean we all know that there's a difference among these classes but the difference has now been displayed explicitly before me. Never been so real.

So what if I am only a fresh graduate? I have a first class honors.
So what if u have many years of experience? You're just a degree holder.
And that could mean ALOT.

So, to my comrades, lets work hard together! Hang in there! =P

On a ligher note, went roller-blading with JC clique at ECP last week and it was super fun!!! And I proved bro wrong by not falling down even once and I have no "orh qi"! I am a genius!!! Wahahaha..We encountered a super duper damn hao liao instructor there though who was so super sarcastic. I wish he would fall down flat on the ground each time he teaches his students to blade, as an opening gesture perhaps =P

Looking forward to next roller blading session =)


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥