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Thursday, April 12, 2007
finzy posted at 6:31 PM

Happy early Birthday to da three April bdae gals!!!
Held a simple bdae celebration for meiwei, shuwen n kangli tdy..hmm strictly speakin, nt reli a celebration bah, jiu juz bot a cake for each of them frm cafe express den sang bdae song lor..heex..kinda small scale..actuali daphne, huishi n i came up wif tis idea ytd de den initiali daphne n i wanted 2 meet earlier tdy 2 go jp buy a big cake de la, nt big as in 1kg type de la, but those nt slice type de..if u get wat i mean..heex..yup so anw, i was so happi cuz finali settled it liao but daphne suddenli asked mi, "but so early breadtalk gt open meh?" omg, i totali forgot abt it lor! so, dere goes my big cake plan..so da 3 of us ended up buying 3slices of yummy cakes (1new york cheesecake, 1 blueberry cheesecake n 1 choc fudge) frm cafe express..n thx 2 da staff, we've gt 3 candles! heex..

yup so we went cafe alfresco for lunch n da tempura fish is reli niceee!!!! slurppss...anw back to da pt..before our meals were served, we "presented" da cakes to them n den prb came agn..we actuali forgot 2 get candle holders frm da cafe express auntie!!! all 3 of us actuali forgot such an impt detail..haha..so in d end we lit da candle n "waxed" them on top of da cake box instead..den we sang bdae song la..den meiwei suddenli asked if da cake was a cheesecake den we said yes..den she said she dun like cheesecake one..argh..tis is such a wu long bdae celebration wif nv ending de prbs..haha..hopefuli nxt yr's celebrations will b better..heex..
tokin abt da cakes..guess which is da most popular one..it's da CHOC FUDGE!!! haha..n dat happens to be shuwen's latest fave also..my poor blueberry cheescake gt da lowest no. of votes..frankly speakin, i reli tink da choc is normal oni lor, da blueberry is special mah n it's soooooooo sweet =) heex, nvm, at least gt mi know hw 2 appreciate it n i gt 2 finish up da remainin cake too! nobody to fight wif mi over it..wahahaha...
it has been almost 9mths since da 6 of us gt 2 noe each other n i juz realise tdy dat im da shortest among them! so terrbile..n dey r sayin it's becuz i've been dreamin too much of fallin scenes..haha..it's interestin to noe dat ur dreams can actuali mean so mani things..do u noe dat if u dream of urself free fallin means u'll grow taller? kinda ridiculous rite, but u see ah, imagine urself free fallin in ur dreams every nite..den every mornin u wake up u find urself taller by 1cm or even 1mm..isnt dat amazin? can actuali grow taller even w/o havin 2 wat play bball, skip etc wor..dat's so wonderful!!! wahaha..but apparently, tis kinda theory doesnt apply to mi..cuz i've always had dreams of myself missin steps, fallin down etc..but i dun see ani change in my ht leh..qi guai..heex..
oh 1 more thing to share..heard it frm huishi..do u noe wat makes up a person's characteristics? apparently, dere r stages dat 1 muz go thru frm baby n da stages haf 2 b gone thru in order, meanin u haf 2 go thru stage 1 before u can proceed into stage2..once u miss 1 stage, dat stage which u haf missed wil bec ur characteristic..for example a person is aggressive becuz he/she has missed/skipped da aggressive stage in da process..thru our discussion we came to da conclusion dat da upbringin plays a beri impt role in shapin one's own self n their characteristics..i dunno if i've gt all da info rite, but roughly, frm wat i remb it's lidat la..yup..
tdy is da last day of sch for tis sem le, since tml is a self-declared off-day..heex..n dat means d exams r nearin!!! scary scary scary..to all my frens whu r muggin beri hard rite nw or plannin to, heex, lets jiayou tgt yea!
gd luckz n all da best for d exams! jiayou jiayou jiayou! =)


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥