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girlsdreamland .blogspot.com ♥

Thursday, June 28, 2007
finzy posted at 9:28 PM | 0 Noticed Me

been super busy da past few days cuz it's mth end nw n we r doin mani a/c de closin..my so-called mentor dumped mi alot of work, forcin mi 2 work ot til 7pm everyday..sumtimes i reli cant tahan her lor, cuz she kept umpin her stuf 2 mi, addin 2 my workload, expectin mi 2 fig out hw 2 do things myself at times..da work is never-endin n she's foreva addin n addin n addin, i dun even noe if i can manage to finish everything by tis wk..but i dun care lah, i everyday 7pm jiu go off n she actuali wanted mi 2 stay til 8pm one lor but i of cuz sae no lah, siao arh, im nt workin 2 feed da fam one lor..becuz of her, i cant meet my cuzzies for dinner tml..so sad lah cuz nan de all of them free, n i hafta b stuck wif her n those invoices, payments, cheques etc..=X

forget abt unhappi stuf, life stil has to mov
e on..i've gotten da photos taken durin last wk's dinner frm peggie liao..

specially left a space dere for my lao gong..heex..

oops, where's our dear ginjin?

lets welcum da 四大美女!!!

Yesterday: Mummy sae i muz haf been 吃饱就坐, cuz she sae my hips n face haf bec rounder le--sad
Today: A colleague juz returned to office nt long ago aft her 3-wk biz trip to
china.. she said i've bec fatter le--sad
Plan: Go joggin every wkend. Try. =)
Target: Smaller face. Slimmer waist. Thinner thighs. Longer body?
Starting Date: Asap


Saturday, June 23, 2007
finzy posted at 1:14 PM | 0 Noticed Me

finali gt a new blogskin!!!
thanx to my bro whu finali gt sum time off frm his muggin n jio-in gals to help mi do up tis new look for my blog..heex..
anw, went dinner wif moto frens ytd n it was reli fun..but beri paiseh to them cuz we spent like hr plus in ny ny cuz i ate too slowly..dey ended up watchin mi eat for like god knows hw long n tryin 2 yan jiu my eatin style..heex..paiseh arh gals, nxt time i'll try 2 speed up a lil k..heex..so by da time we finished dinner it was alrdy like 9plus so walked ard n at da bus interchange, we saw tis malay guy bullyin a young man lor..dere were like small grps of pple ard there watchin "show" but none of them bothered or rather dared to go up n stop dat malay guy..typical sporeans..dunno wat happened in d end cuz by da time we went back dere agn, da 2 guys were gone..i pity da young man lah cuz he's juz a boi boi n he was like so helpless lor..i despise dat malay guy, bullyin a young man so publicly..wat's da world cumin to..haiz..
bad things aside, we went outside amk hub 2 take photos n cuz we were like playin in da process, we ended up takin a beri long time 2 take oni a few photos..sum of which were beri abstract n artisitc..heex, shall update them nxt time, aft i grab frm peggie..lookin forward to our nxt meet-up but perhaps we can meet for lunch instead? geex..

Thursday, June 21, 2007
finzy posted at 9:28 AM | 0 Noticed Me

lao gong is gg to hold his concert in spore soon!!!

wahaha, arent u excited abt it..im so lookin forward to his arrival..though im nt sure if i'll haf da chance to go watch his perf, experience da live atmosphere, but jiu when i heard dat he'll b cumin to spore in dec to hold his concert, jiu beri excited lor..heex..but dunno if i'll haf da chance to go watch..pray hard dat sum kind soul wil offer mi tics, treat mi 2 go watch as my bdae present..heex..

i hope he dun cum in oct/nov cuz dat's my muggin n exams period, i gotta focus on my studies..cant fen xin animore..heex..n i made a mistake last time..remb i once said he'll b cumin 2 spore to promote corner wif luv cuz it'll b telecasted on tv..yuan lai dat tv is scv, nt mediacorp de lor..so sad, i tot can see his everyday on tv in future..heex..

anw ytd work was kinda interestin cuz i gotta chance to go 4 a lucky draw, but tis time rd, i am da one drawin out da lucky winners..heex..it's an eye-opener lor, seein hw dey run da draw process n handle those winners de forms..n i nv tot 1 day i'll haf da chance to decide pple's fate!!! wahahahah..i tink im nt supposed to divulge much so dat's abt it lah..fri gg to learn new stuf agn, hope it wun b too tedious..

Sunday, June 17, 2007
finzy posted at 4:55 PM | 0 Noticed Me

To all the daddies out there

Happi Fathers' Day!!!

dere's always tis sayin dat pple r more concerned wif mothers' day than fathers' day, the forner has gt more significance n importance than the latter..hmmm to sum extent i tink it's true but it differs for different pple bah..

for my fam, we had steamboat last nite at hm, sorta an early celebration cuz tdy we gotta go grandparents' hse 4 dinner..as usual, it was a feast, n i reli lurve fishies!!! *slurps slurps* actuali i din help much, juz helped to wash da rice grains n prepare the chilli sauce..mum did most of da fd preparations..heex...

went cwp juz nw to buy a cake for papa, hazelnut de..was tinkin since he likes to eat nuts, da cake shld suit his taste..heex, plus i've nv bot tis flavour de before so jiu juz try lor..heex..but dere were so mani pple at da cake shop dere lah, everybody standin ard da display, i cant even see da cakes lor, gotta peek here n dere..so fathers' day is stil as re nao de..heex..

lookin forward to da "cake-cuttin ceremony" ltr aft we cum back frm dinner..heex..

Friday, June 15, 2007
finzy posted at 10:01 PM | 0 Noticed Me

alrite, it has been sum time since i update my blog le bah..hmm nuthin much recently..went to watch lin yu zhong's showcase at kunion wif huahua last sun..xiaxia gave us da "tics" dere, knowin dat i felt gek missin mayday's concert n dat she gotta work dat dae..so mi n huahua went lor since we gt nuthin on n yuan lai dey juz nd us 2 show our member card jiu can liao, meanin ani1 can go in lor..but as expected, dere werent reli dat mani pple 2 挤爆 da whole rm la, but his fans were reli crazy n high lor..n frankly speakin, i qt like him cuz he sings reli well n he plays da guitar beri niceee!!! den he beri 亲民 lor, stil gt walk into da audience space..but he's qt lame lor, but i like..heex..at least nt a wasted trip =)

den we shop ard lor but i tink tis yr de gss nuthin much leh, nt mani sales, nt mani things dat i reli fancy..den 2 pple whu dunno much abt food were troubled over wat 2 eat 4 dinner, in d end settled for xin wang since huahua nv been dere be4..den 2 beri "leg ache" de mei nv tinkin dat since gt concession, jiu took da train frm orchard 2 somerset for dinner..heex...

as for tdy, sth beri scary happened..i asked papa 2 cum fetch mi aft work den we can go str 4 dinner mah..den i came out to da main gate earlier, n i decided to walk down da path a lil 2 wait 4 them..on da way, dere were tis grp of workers shoutin in mandarin, "hey miss miss, here here, cum over here"..dey kept shoutin lor den i dun dare 2 look ard cuz i was d oni soul dere..i felt so scared la cuz dere werent ani other pple ard so i decided to walk back to da main gate, feelin safer wif da security guards ard..at dat moment i felt more scared than humiliated bah..imagine if i nv ask papa 2 cum n i were 2 go hm myself, i sure dun dare de lor..i wld rather pay more 2 book a cab..mebe i tink too much but it's better safe than sowrie lor..

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
finzy posted at 9:44 PM | 0 Noticed Me

watched da last ep of corner wif luv wif bro ytd, even though i haven watch da intermediate ep..heex..but im so disappointed in da endin..even though it's a 大团圆结局, it's juz nt wat i expected n tot it wld b like lah..

If i were da playwright...

秦朗一起回台湾,一起住在烂房子里,一起做蛤仔煎,一起画画,这样一直吵吵闹闹地过生活。 这时候的秦朗正在街头的一堵墙上作画,两个人各在街角的一边,仿佛感受到彼此的存在。两人缓缓地前进,转过身,看到的正是彼此心里思念的人!心中百感交集的两人拥抱在一起,一切尽在不言中。从此以后,两人在台湾的那烂房子度过吵吵闹闹但又幸福美满的日子。

~~The End~~

Sunday, June 3, 2007
finzy posted at 2:08 PM | 0 Noticed Me

was supposed to go watch mayday concert wif a fren ytd de but i fell sick!!! i was so gek la, of all days 2 b sick, i had 2 b sick on a concert day which happens 2 fall on a wkend..argh....when hs told mi he gt tics 2 da concert n asked if i wanna go dat time, i was so super duper happi n excited, lookin beri forward to da concert, even tot of wat 2 wear le lor n da stupid virus has to invade my body at tis moment..n da seats are qt in front lor, row 15..beri rarely do pple get a chance to go watch free concert one lor n summore it's mayday, i like their songs lor n i tink their concert surely beri high one..but haiz..so gek!!!! da most gek part was my fever subsided by evenin! i shld haf stood firm n tell mummy i wanna go lor..missed such a gd chance leh, dun even noe if in future dere'll b such a chance agn nt..argh...hate myself lah..

n i feeel kinda bad cuz i was supposed to go wif hs de mah den cuz i was sick, i cant go den he din go also, gave da tics 2 his frens i tink..mebe im juz nt fated wif mayday or concerts on da whole..haiz, wateva, it's over liao, no pt broodin over it..hope dat dere'll stil b a chance to watch free concerts in future n i'll b more than happi if it's my lao gong's concert =) wahahha...


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥