been super busy da past few days cuz it's mth end nw n we r doin mani a/c de so-called mentor dumped mi alot of work, forcin mi 2 work ot til 7pm everyday..sumtimes i reli cant tahan her lor, cuz she kept umpin her stuf 2 mi, addin 2 my workload, expectin mi 2 fig out hw 2 do things myself at times..da work is never-endin n she's foreva addin n addin n addin, i dun even noe if i can manage to finish everything by tis wk..but i dun care lah, i everyday 7pm jiu go off n she actuali wanted mi 2 stay til 8pm one lor but i of cuz sae no lah, siao arh, im nt workin 2 feed da fam one lor..becuz of her, i cant meet my cuzzies for dinner sad lah cuz nan de all of them free, n i hafta b stuck wif her n those invoices, payments, cheques etc..=X
forget abt unhappi stuf, life stil has to move on..i've gotten da photos taken durin last wk's dinner frm peggie liao..

Yesterday: Mummy sae i muz haf been 吃饱就坐, cuz she sae my hips n face haf bec rounder le--sad
Today: A colleague juz returned to office nt long ago aft her 3-wk biz trip to china.. she said i've bec fatter le--sad
Plan: Go joggin every wkend. Try. =)
Target: Smaller face. Slimmer waist. Thinner thighs. Longer body?
Starting Date: Asap