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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
finzy posted at 9:33 PM

lao gong is cumin to spore soon!!!

woohoo~~so excited when i heard it on fm juz nw..he said he cumin 2 promote da super duper fab excellent nicee taiwanese drama 转角*遇到爱 which is gg 2 b telecasted in spore..wahahaha..n im gonna go crazy agn! lolz..im sure huahua n xiaxia wil pei mi疯one..heex..

dunno wat's wrong wif mi these 2 days, been beri blur, 2 incidents happened la, shall write down wat happened here to remind myself nt 2 b so blur agn..

Blurry Incident #1

ytd was my 2nd wk of work but it's like oni da 4th time im takin da company transport back to wdls aft work..da 1st two times i did ask pple which bus goes to wdls la in case i take wrongly den da 3rd occasion i saw sum1 frm wdls board dat bus so i juz followed lor n i was rite la..apparently my luck din last long..coincidently, on all da previous occasions, da bus was parked at da last bay, furthest frm da gate, so i 理所当然的juz walk straight 2 da bus dat was furthest away n boarded it, beri confident dat it was da wdls bus..dere's tis chi sayin 聪明反被聪明误, i tink it's qt true in tis case bah..so i happily board da bus, tinkin of my cousy hm which is juz a mere 15min trip away..aft sum time da bus stopped at marsiling n i sensed sth was wrong le but i tot, aiyah, da bus muz b doin a detour la, aft tis stop it'll go 2 wdls liao..but no lor, it went in da expressway direction n da more it went da more uneasy i felt, was tinkin, oh no, where is da bus bringin mi to..den when da bus stopped at cck, i immed alighted..was so embarrassed lor..n mummy called mi while i was on da bus summore, askin where i was, i dun even dare to tell her lor, so paiseh la, if pple heard mi dey sure wil laugh their heads off one lor..so in d end a supposedly 15min trip took more than 30min n i arrived hm at 7plus..
moral of the story: always ask be4 u board a bus, dun act smart =P

Blurry Incident #2

tis mornin i went to da usual place 2 wait for da bus 2 shuttle us 2 work..n i assumingly tot dat da company bus wil always b dat same comfort bus..so i was waitn dere readin my novel den suddenli tis gal tapped mi on my shoulder told mi da bus was dere alrdy n we hurriedly ran 2 da bus n boared it..da driver changed his bus tdy lor, it wasnt da bus dat i've been takin every mornin since day1 la..n da ironic thing was while i was readin i did look up 2 look in case i missed da bus n i saw dat bus de lor but i juz ignored it la, hw in da world wld i noe dat was actuali da company bus too..
moral of the story: pay more attention to ur surroundings, dun assume

i muz reli thank dat gal, otherwise i wld be standin at da same place, waitin n waitin 4 da bus 2 cum..she's frm lvl2 la n actuali we've seen each other a couple of times le but nv reli tok 2 each other, juz hi oni..but i tink she's a nicee gal..n she's gonna b my junior! heex, it's such a smal world hor =)


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥