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Sunday, April 29, 2007
finzy posted at 2:08 PM

was listenin to fm last nite while studyin maths..den heard da dj sae can call in to dedicate songs la so i try try lor since im tired frm studyin also..n i managed to call in!!! wahaha...nv expect to make it one lor, juz wanna play play oni..cuz i used to call in at nite but nv succeed before la..den tis time rd also nv carry much hope n i actuali made it! haha..

tis is nt my 1st time callin into dat fm, da previous 2 times were to win movie tics, den tis 3rd time to dedicate song on air..but stil, super nervous lor! cuz da precious times da dj juz took down my personal particulars off air n dat's it la..but tis time rd is chattin wif da dj on air lor..it's da on air part dat's scary la..super nervous lor n i dun even noe wat im tokin lor..kinda 语无伦次 n i tink i sounded beri 粗鲁 lor..n huishi n tbl heard mi!! so paiseh la..tbl said i sounded stupid lor..wif my usual style of eng mix wif chi n da mani lors lehs las..a chance for him to suan mi agn..argh..i ask huishi 2 try callin in to dedicate song to mi she sae she scared..haha..muz be brave, huishi! haha..actuali it's kinda fun n exciting one leh..da mixed feelin of excitement n nervousness when da line gt thru..wah, dunno hw 2 describe..haha..

too bad i too nervous liao, forgot 2 specially mention frens dat i wanna dedicate da song to..n fyi, i dedicated xiao zhu's sui sui nian, my fave song! wahahah...gd things muz share wif pple mah..heex..nxt time rd if gt chance, muz prepare a list of names beforehand den directly read it off da list, lidat jiu wun miss out on certain pple..heex..if gt chance la..haha, im stil beri happi when i tink of last nite!!! lolz..okie la, muz conc on maths liao..when everything's over den tink agn! wahaha..


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥