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Thursday, April 26, 2007
finzy posted at 6:36 PM

4 down, 2 more to go!!!
left wif maths n phy papers nw..muz reli jiayou for da maths cuz da hr paper ytd was reli too er xin alrdy..nw can oni pray dat dey wil moderate til pple like da 3 of us whu nv su wun score too badly..cuz frm wat we observed ytd, qt a no. of pple were like half givin up, tryin 2 idle their time away, so obviously dey haf opted for su liao dat's so heck care bah..reli no confidence to score for tis paper lor, hope all goes well bah..
i tink im reli beri suay recently..take ytd for instance bah, da weather was so fine when i was at hm lor but da moment i reached da void deck, preparin to walk to da train station it started pourin..juz when i reached da station, i realised i forgot to bring my sweater..wil freeze to death lor, those exam halls damn cold one lor n rainin summore..lucky managed to borrow frm shuwen whu juz so happen to b gg back hall frm hm dat time..she's my saviour man! lotsa thanks to her..heex...
dere's tis chinese sayin dat means bad things when dey happen, wil follow one aft another..it's true..it was alrdy rainin when i woke up tis mornin, preparin 2 go sch..din slp well last nite cuz serious insomnia..i went to bed at ard 1.30am but oni managed to slp at ard 4am..juz cldnt close my eyes n no matter hw i force myself to slp, juz cldnt slp..so in d end oni gt 3hrs of slp..but surprisinly, i wasnt reli tired or shagged when i woke up..anw, back to da story..so on da way to src arh, my sandals de strap broke..juz my day lor, it was rainin den my feet gt dirtied by da muddly grass patch den dere were so mani pple takin dat path dat time, it was super malu havin to drag my sandals all da way 2 da exam hall lor nt to say into da hall..but thanx to my frens, dey managed to help mi borrow a pair of slippers frm sum1 stayin in da hall nearby..though da pair was super ultra big, at least better than nuthin mah..so wore it for da exams tryin 2 act as if nuthin has happen, hopin dat pple wun look at da bottom half of mi..slippers dun go well wif denim skirt u see..heex..
dunno why so suay but hopefuli all da bad luck is gone nw..even huishi in da middle of da paper wil start to wonder hw cum im so suay tdy..but dere r always 2 sides to a thing la, at da beri least my sandals was spoilt in sch n nt on da train or bus etc n i see da greatness n wonders of frenship tdy!
i haf 2 thank my frens alot for their efforts tdy..billions n millions n thousands n hundreds of thanks to them..deep inside i was reli beri touched seriously..lookin at da way dey helped mi contact their frens to find mi a pair of suitable footwear dat i wun xian qi; pei mi walk frm tis place to dat place, wait for tis n dat..reli beri grateful..even pple dat i dun reli noe like da guy whu lent mi his extra big-sized slippers, huilin n jeremy, dey were also offerin their help lor..so ya..it's always frm these lil tots n actions dat u see hw much others care for u..of cuz, on top of dat, i feel beri guilty also la cuz dey cld haf gone hm rite aft da paper but dey stayed on n helped mi, frm borrowin footwear to writin thankew note to takin out dat heart..thankew my frens! =) nxt time buy each of ur 1 canA de grass jelly drink k..it's da tot dat counts mah..heex.. =P
lookin forward to post exam activites!!!


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥