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Sunday, April 15, 2007
finzy posted at 4:46 PM

ytd was ah ma's 1st death anniversary..

everyone was supposed to gather at ah ma's house, which has bec san jiu's hse nw, at 9am..so my mummy, bro n i met our ah yi n cousins earlier at da nearby coffee-shop for breakfast 1st..super angry wif dat coffee shop assistant..she was so super rude lor..i wish i could jump on her, scold da hell out of her n give her 2 or even 10 tight slaps..her attitude was so so so poor..my mummy ordered a set breakfast, which was supposed to consists of a cup of coffee, bread n eggs..den she served us oni da first 2 items..so my mummy of asked her why no eggs..den she said, " so u want eggs huh, ltr i get for u." den she was doin a calculation of da drinks bf den she actuali calculated da coffee bread eggs separately instead of as a set..so we were puzzled why mah cuz set bf supposed 2 haf those std items de mah..den she like so buay song expln 2 us da bread is hw much da eggs hw much etc etc la..i was beri angry she spoke to my mummy lidat lor cuz my mummy spoke to her in a nice way, hao sheng hao qi, n tis was wat she gave her..i felt so much like screamin at her den lor..so i reasoned wif her la..it's nt d issue of whether a set bf shld haf wat n wat nw, it's her attitude dat is pissin mi off lor..1st of all, she was nt reli anwserin our qn, secondly, her attitude..so wat, we cant ask izzit, so she tink she's so superior she can open a coffee shop herself no nd 2 cum serve pple drinks liao izzit..feel so much like stangling her lor..if u see her face n attitude, u'll surely b fumin one lor..early in da mornin gimmi dat kinda face..

forget abt da unhappi things..anw aft da bf, we went 2 ah ma's hse den as usual, we were da earliest..so we sat dere n started foldin yuan baos..oni mi xia hua n ting noe hw 2 fold lor, those adults dun even noe..heex..so xia taught them la..lookin at da way she taught her mum, i felt like laughin cuz ah yi was like no matter wat xia told her she juz cant do it properly den xia was like controllin controllin controllin..she even said ah yi is nt a gd student..den hua said it's clearly reflected in her previous academic records..haha..but in d end ah yi managed 2 fig out so every1 started foldin da yuan baos tgt n we managed 2 finish 2 stacks within a short while..meanwhile every1 else startin arrivin..

da shi fu came nt long aft den upon makin sure dat every1 has arrived, he began performin his ritual..suddenli felt like cryin..esp when i heard da shi fu mentioned da day ah ma left us...time reli flies..1 yr le..da memories r stil so vivid, i can stil remb tis time last yr, i was stil workin, ting was havin exams, xia was doin attachment, xuan n hua were stil poly freshies..1 yr has juz passed lidat..at times i wil stil tink of ah ma n each time i wil haf a sudden urge to cry..den da mani 'wat-ifs' wil start appearin..i once saw tis quote on tv n i tink it's kinda true, it reads,

so dat's where ah ma has been all these while - in our memories..wonder if ah ma has received all da houses n money we burnt to her..i hope she has n is livin beri well in d other world nw..


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥