actuali nv plan 2 go out on thu de but cuzzie ariel called while i was in da midst of my household chores n asked if i wanna go airport fetch cuzzie apple dat day..she went taiwan wif her frens while i was stil havin exams n when im done wif exams, here she's backee..her flight was supposed to arrive at ard 11pm la so mi, cuzzies ariel n hua decided to meet earlier to da 3 of us went bugis n we ended up each wif a pair of shoes..heex..all huahua's fault lor, wan go see shoes, else i wun b so tempted to buy dat turqoise shoes..i oni planned to buy denim skirt de lor, in d end da denim skirts nt nicee so nv shoes instead..shoppin trips r always lidat de arh, u nv get wat u planned to get, instead, u usuali end up wif stuf dat u alrdy haf n dun reli nd..gals succumbed to temptations beri easily huh..heex..but anw, i tink dat shoes i bot is beri cute n special! gt a cute cute apple in da front, so cute =)
anw, aft we finished shoppin at bugis village, we realised we stil gt sum time la so went those boutiques try their clothes..heex..see nice nicee de jiu go try..wahaha..n time passes by beri fast! so we faster faster go take train 2 changi n i realise changi airport has changed alot!!! hmmm tink i gt mani yrs nv go dere le, my memory of changi airport was at da scene where swensens was juz sumwhere beside da viewing gallery..nw da viewing gallery has gt no shops beside it liao lor..haiz..
anw, we were so excited when we reached changi airport! we started acting like beri mountain tortoise de tourists, taking photos here n dere..n i tink we made qt a fool of ourselves by all those beri silly actions n stuf..heex..oh n i muz say spore is reli rich la..dey have gardens in da airport mah n dey use real live flowers lor! gt so mani flowers dere leh, can u imagine havin 2 water them frequently n changin them or throwing them away once dey extravagant lor..but da orchids n sunflowers r reli nicee! n dey nd mei nv to bring out their beauty too..heex...

aft our dinner we went to take photos agn n while we were happily playin ard, takin photos, cuzzie apple came out alrdy! she din wait for us lor..cuzzie hua n i had tis scene in our mind de lor..we pic da fetchin scence to be like us waiting outside, at da bar standin dere, waving crazily 2 cuzzie apple as she pushes her trolley out of da sliddin auto glass gates den we go up n hug wat we always see on tv..but..can oni blame ourselves for foolin ard too much so dat cuzzie apple said our purpose is oni to go play n nt 2 fetch her one..heex..but our primary purpose is reli 2 go fetch her one lor..playin n sight-seein is secondary..heex..

so we took cabbie hm n i stayed over at cuzzies' hse lor..i was stucked in between xiaxia n huahua n i was so afraid dat i'll squashed them dat i dun dare 2 toss n turn so din catch much slp in d end..slept for oni 4-5hrs..den mi ting n xiaxia played mahjong n we started a beri silly game..we conversed in canto n whueva spoke wrongly had 2 b fined using da mahjong da 3 of us were tryin 2 speak proper canto n tryin 2 make sure dat we spoke da rite was fun tryin 2 find faults wif them n catchin them on da spot..heex..of cuz, ting was da most li hai cuz she always watch hk dramas at hm..heex..of cuz, im 2nd and as for xiaxia n huahua mah, hmm, same
played badminton wif xiaxia on sat den sun went k wif all 3 cuzzies..i realise everytime we go out it's always eat eat eat..wahaha..initiali planned to go amk hub shop abit 1st be4 our k de but we ended up wif yoghurt, subway, ice-cream..heex..da k was super shuang cuz we sang frm 7pm-2am..beri high..n agn, food..i tink we kinda bad cuz we like shuan those waiters dere, kept pressin da service bell 2 ask for refills..dey muz tink we r 超级无敌大胃王 cuz by right 4pple shld b entitled 2 oni 2 bowls of snacks la but dey gave us 3..mebe dey r sick of havin 2 cum in n out of our rm every once in a while so decided to give us more, hopin we'll take more time 2 finish..but dey r wrong..totali, completely wrong..we r indeed 超 级无敌大胃王!!! wahahaha..but da session was reli beri shuang cuz sing til beri high n eat until beri full n slpy..n it's beri worth da price..heex..den we took cab hm agn n i stayed over at cuzzies' hse agn lor..tis is like da 2nd time in a wk dat we r takin cabbie back 2 cuzzies' hse tgt agn le bah..ive spent so much money in juz a few days! gotta work hard 2 find a job soon..heex..