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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
finzy posted at 7:38 PM

tdy's my 1st day of work at yeos..papa drove mi dere in da mornin aft he dropped off mummy n on our way dere, traffic jam..it was rainin tis mornin den apparently tis tree fell n obstructed da traffic, motorists cldnt pass thru..tis was da 1st time im seein so mani cars drivin in a direction dat is opp 2 wat da lane was meant to b, drivin backwards etc..but da situation was nt reli chaotic though cuz all da drivers were veri cooperative 发挥守望相助的精神..heex..

anw in d end i wasnt late la but i tink papa was bah cuz he kept lookin at da time n i tot i heard him said ytd dat he's drivin mi qt early so i wil reach my workplace at ard 8am otherwise he'll b late..i reached at 8.10am so i guess..yup..but thanx to papa cuz if i were to take da bus, i'll def b late! n it's nt gd 2 b late 4 work on ur 1s day of work neh..

im workin in da finance dept as data entry clerk..but actuali i din expect da job 2 b easy la ever since my "data entry" experience at moto..i've learnt my lsn le..finance is a beri new thingy to mi la cuz i've nv done anithin similar be4 n i dun study a/c but treat it as a learnin experience lor..i tink it'll help mi alot in future..yup..

my super intro mi 2 da colleagues when i arrived n dere were so mani pple i tink i hardly remb their names nw..den she asked those IT pple 2 create an a/c for mi so while dey were doin so, she assigned mi a task since even an a/c i cant even log into da pc..n dat was
strikin off recyclable paper..so da whole mornin i was holdin da pen, drawin lots n lots of lines across paper..stacks n stacks of them..yawnin at times lor..n i was tinkin, "dun tell mi im gg 2 do tis 4 da whole of tdy? might as well ask mi 2 report for work tml lor.."

but aft we came back frm lunch, boom, lotsa work..i was 2 help tis colleague find docs n photocopy relevant info for her n den arrange them properly for her la..she gave mi tis N-pg of doc dat contains all da hardcopies dat im supposed to find..wah, headache lor..dere were so mani pg lar, i dun even noe if i can complete them by tml..hafta first find out da doc ref no. first, den look 4 da files/docs, photocopy, arrange nicely..qt similar 2 wat i did in exportdoc last time but more tedious tis time rd..dey kept mi occupied til 5.30pm n it was when da auntie beside mi reminded mi dat it was time 2 fang gong den i realised time has passed by so quickly..gosh, so mani things left undone la..guess tml muz buck up liao..dun wan pple 2 sae i lazy, nt diligent..n i tink more things wil cum cuz i heard my super tellin sum1 dat nxt wk i'll b learnin dunno wat things frm another gal whom i dun even noe whu she is, she wasnt in da grp of pple dat my super intro mi 2 tis mornin..2 mths shld b easy 2 pass bah, since i can take dat 6mths in moto le, why nt tis rite..yup, muz persevere!


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥