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girlsdreamland .blogspot.com ♥

Monday, July 30, 2007
finzy posted at 12:52 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Happy Birthday to my Dearest Lao Gong !!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007
finzy posted at 9:33 PM | 0 Noticed Me

i feel so sinful cuz haf been eatin alot these 2 days..first it was prata bf ytd wif mummy at ah mei's den had salad in d late aftn n within da nxt i tink 2 hrs, i ate 1 pkt of chicken rice, half a plate of veggie, 2 sausages n durian..unbelievable..tis mornin shared dao suan n bee hoon mee wif mummy den salad, rojak n popiah for dinner..even aft da jog tis mornin i stil feel beri bad..shld haf exercised more control..heex...

anw tokin abt da salad dressin, i bot it at a four-letter supermkt at sun plaza aft bf on sat den when i was abt to prepare my salad, i realised da bottle cant be opened..den dere were like black sopts beneath da cap..so i called da supermkt n asked if i cld asked 4 a refund lah n so i went back tis aftn lor..i specialli made a trip down to semb juz for dat refund n i actuali forgot to bring my receipt!!! so blur of mi! but lucky i asked da in charge n he told mi he'll let mi change tis once lor..so nicee of him =) mebe cuz i haf da trustworthy look also bah..geex..

anw lucky i made dat trip down cuz i met zhen xing n i saw a beri shuai de shuai ge!!! wahahaha..he's reli shuai lah but too bad da way he speaks n presents himself minus mani marks alrdy..n he looks like 17,18 oni lor..haiz, wasted..heex..but see see no harm de mah..heex, mebe shld go dat supermkt more often den can spot for him dere..heex..feng nv ren..

Friday, July 27, 2007
finzy posted at 10:14 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Presentation's finali over !!!

after 1 wk of hard work, discussions/meetings n late nights, we've finali presented our piece today n it was half a load off our shoulders..though we stil haf a biz plan to go, shall allow myself to rest these 2 days n rechrg be4 "walkin a longer dist"..heex..

aft our presentation tdy, our instructor asked us wat change we haf noticed in ourselves thru da past wk..n my teammate said, "bec fatter"..lol..we all started laughin cuz we totali agreed wif her! at least for mi lah..been eatin n eatin for da past 5 days - durin lessons, durin breaks, durin disussions..i guess we've tried qt a variety of food dat's available in da sbs mart le bah..heex..n i feel so sinful cuz haven been doin my skippin diligently..=x

shall forget abt biz plan for nw, continue part 2 of da battle agn aft i feel dat i've rest enuf..heex..decided to pei mummy go bf tml since i haf been kinda bz tis wk n haven been spendin much time wif her..hope she'll get better tml..

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
finzy posted at 9:49 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Dear Cuzzie Ting Has Officially Graduated !!!

Congrats!!! heex...feel beri happi for her, 3yrs of hard work has finali paid off n rewarded tdy..went to find her durin break tdy n when i saw her in her grad gown or robe or wateva u call dat n da hat, i actuali felt like cryin..i dunno y, suddenli, mixed emotions gushed up frm within lor..i can picture myself standin dere, at da same place, wearin da same oufit few yrs ltr..it's a kind of feelin dat is beri diffcult to express wif words, u gotta experience it urself den u'll noe..

i wonder wat da scence wil b like when my convo cum..i tink i'll cry..mebe bah..den i can picture my mum cryin wif mi, tears of joy, so happi dat my girl has finali graduated aft gg thru dat much..kinda dramatic hor..heex..

anw nw im beginnin to agree wif wat xiaxia told mi dat dae abt scorpios: scorpios r emotional..

Sunday, July 22, 2007
finzy posted at 11:36 PM | 0 Noticed Me

went back to sch ytd for an orientation..yes, a sat mornin, back to sch, for a dunno-for-wat-cause de orientation..accordin to da sch, d orientation is meant to help us get to noe one another so as to facilitate workin in da followin wk..d orientation is 4 a core module dat every1 in da course is supposed to take n it's compulsory so bo bian, hafta reluctantly drag myself out of bed early in da sat mornin to attend..

initiali was feelin qt sian cuz gotta break up into proj teams, n da feelin of bein n workin wif pple u dunno juz shoo one off lor..but lucky huishi n i gt arranged into da same grp, so at least gt sum company lor..d orientation was qt fun n relaxin actuali, nt like those typical orientations cuz tis was organised n carried out by sum outside grp, professionals i tink, yup so d orientation turned out to b alot better than wat i expected..

tryin nt to tink too much abt nxt wk but haiz, cant help it..i can alrdy forsee dat i'll b beri busy frm mon onwards, wif presentation due within 1wk, biz plan due within 2wks..mebe i'll b like huahua, hm oni when da sky turns dark..n i tink i'll miss my mummy's cookings..n i cant even go ting's convo on tue which i feel like gg beri mucchhh!!!! haiz, hope everything wil b over soon...

Friday, July 20, 2007
finzy posted at 11:41 PM | 0 Noticed Me

20-07-2007 20.07.2007 20072007

i din
notice tt tdy is actuali a beri special day until a colleague reminded mi..20 July 2007..i tink im qt fated wif all these special numbers cuz i stil remb my last day at moto was on 20 June 2006, ie, 20062006..n nw, my last day at yhs is on 20 July 2007, ie, 20072007..isnt dat amazin?! heex..i cldnt qt believe tis also..too much of a coincidence..okie lah, i admit da at moto dat time is i deliberately choose dat dae de cuz of da obvious reason, but tis time rd, i swear i nv plan de lor..reli unbelievable..

anw tdy's my last day of work le..human r reli weird animals..earlier tis wk i was like so happi cuz tis is finali da last wk le n i was so lookin forward to fri, but tdy i actuali felt sadness n bu she..mebe cuz of my colleagues bah..ytd my lunch gang treated mi to a sumptuous meal at dian xiao er n tdy, sherine (my super's boss, our afm) n gang held a mini farewell tea-break session for mi wif snacks frm old chang kee & bengawan solo..i was reli touched by them..cuz frankly speakin, im nt beri shou wif da latter grp since we seldom haf contact at work..but dey actuali went thru d efforts of organisin a farewell for mi lor..beri beri touched..i reli almost cried out..da whole office was like sayin thanx to mi dat dey gt such a gd tea treat..heex..

so i ended my last dae of work givin lil gifts to my colleagues, small lil tots lah to thank them for their 照顾 for the past 2 mths..2mths就这样过去了, so fast..gg back to sch tml le..i'll remb these sweet colleagues de n hopefuli we'll haf da chance to work tgt agn in future! =)

Sunday, July 15, 2007
finzy posted at 9:23 PM | 0 Noticed Me

i tink im reli nt fated wif joggin..either dat or im nt fated wif da park..everytime i've made up my mind to go joggin, it'll definitely rain..take last wkend for eg, da weather was perfectly fine in d aftn lor, den it had to rain juz when i was preparin to go jog..n tdy, i was like so determined to go jog, suddenli gt da urge n motivation n da weather was so coolin, it had to rain halfway thru my jog, juz when i was gettin da tempo..argh...

but anw i feel qt healthy tdy cuz aft da 2km jog, i did sum exercises at da stairs n corridor n i had salad for dinner..frankly speakin, da feelin is reli gd n hopefuli i wun get muscle aches tml mornin bah..heex..n hopefuli i'll lose sum wt, sum fats here n dere each mth..wonder hw i'll look like if im slim..geex...

Sunday, July 8, 2007
finzy posted at 10:40 PM | 0 Noticed Me

cant believe i actuali managed to find my lao gong's
Show on stage 世界巡迴演唱會's schedule!!! woohoo~~~

6月9日(六) 19:30 上海大舞台
6月30日(六) 19:30 南京奧體中心體育館
8月4日(六) 19:30 北京朝陽公園
11月 台北小巨蛋演唱會

12月1日(六) 20:00 新加坡Singapore Indoor Stadium

12月18日(二) 19:30 江蘇省無錫市新體育中心體育館


3月 香港站演唱會

Show On Stage 120107 ticket pricing
Singapore Indoor Stadium
$168, $148, $128, $98 and $78
[-S$2.00 sistic fee]

im soooooo soooooo
soooooo excited n lookin beri forward to it!!!
lets do it CHACHA!!! =)

Thursday, July 5, 2007
finzy posted at 12:32 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Lao Gong is cumin to spore to hold his concert on 1st Dec!!!WooHoo~~~

saw tis news in ytd's papers n immed told chacha abt it..so excited!!! his most exp de tic price is 168bucks lor, same as jolin's, isn't he li hai? on da same par as jolin leh..heex..his fans alrdy booked 155 tickets of dat pricin le, so heong lor..dey reli beri pro, da concert organiser haven even release da details to da public dey alrdy gt hold of 1st hand info le, thumbs up..

muz start savin like chacha nw liao, den can go watch wif her..heex..eh my bdae in nov, near da concert date, wld greatly appreciate if sum kind souls can or r willin to sponsor mi..i wld lurve them like crazy..wahaha..

courtesy of talented huahua =)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
finzy posted at 10:38 PM | 0 Noticed Me

it has been a beri hectic wk, ot almost everyday, beri tired..but...dere's stil a time for play!!! heex..went kbox last sun wif ting ting n chaha den chacha n i headed down to town to buy da tube dress dat i've been eyein ever since it caught my attention on my previous trip wif ting ting..dinner at xin wang agn cuz i wanted to try their famous mango ice n it was delicious at da start, gt a beri幸福的感觉-quoted frm chacha, but as u eat n eat, it bec freezingly cold..but stil, it's highly recommended, muz try =)

beri colourful hor..heex..

yummy siew mai-s..

yi ji bang har gow..cumin up nxt is da main lead of da day...

da super, duper, 无敌超级大, nd-1-hr-to-finish-but-beri-delicious de mango ice!!!

mei nv turned dinosaur part 1

mei nv turned dinosaur part 2


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥