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Sunday, July 22, 2007
finzy posted at 11:36 PM

went back to sch ytd for an orientation..yes, a sat mornin, back to sch, for a dunno-for-wat-cause de orientation..accordin to da sch, d orientation is meant to help us get to noe one another so as to facilitate workin in da followin wk..d orientation is 4 a core module dat every1 in da course is supposed to take n it's compulsory so bo bian, hafta reluctantly drag myself out of bed early in da sat mornin to attend..

initiali was feelin qt sian cuz gotta break up into proj teams, n da feelin of bein n workin wif pple u dunno juz shoo one off lor..but lucky huishi n i gt arranged into da same grp, so at least gt sum company lor..d orientation was qt fun n relaxin actuali, nt like those typical orientations cuz tis was organised n carried out by sum outside grp, professionals i tink, yup so d orientation turned out to b alot better than wat i expected..

tryin nt to tink too much abt nxt wk but haiz, cant help it..i can alrdy forsee dat i'll b beri busy frm mon onwards, wif presentation due within 1wk, biz plan due within 2wks..mebe i'll b like huahua, hm oni when da sky turns dark..n i tink i'll miss my mummy's cookings..n i cant even go ting's convo on tue which i feel like gg beri mucchhh!!!! haiz, hope everything wil b over soon...


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥