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Monday, September 24, 2007
finzy posted at 11:50 PM

recess wk has alrdy started n i've alrdy forsee dat tis is gonna b a beri hectic wk..tut, assignments, lab reports, revision, tests, blah blah blah..so da conclusion is

recess = no break

i dun expect life aft da recess wk to b ani much better actuali..basicali it's juz work n work..every wk-drain-all-ur-energy de lab sessions to attend, lab reports to churn out, tests to prepare..cycle goes on n on..

but...recess is stil a time to take a short break mah..so..went out wif cuzzies on sat, to sort of celebrate huahua's bdae..huahua is finali 18! woohoo~ya so she wanted to experience wat an 18-yr-old can do so...we went clubbin! hmmm
dun reli noe wat n hw to to describe our encounter in phuture..in short, we drank alot, mostly treats of cuz, n sum of us din feel reli well..alcohols r reli nt nice, dun understand hw cum sum pple can drink so much so often..it's okie to drink once in a while lah but dere's always a limit to things..n i believe dat da more u wan to drink to drown ur sorrows, da more difficult it is to get drunk..

anw, i reli hope dat huahua enjoyed herself, even if it is juz for dat lil while..hope dat i've managed to make her feel a lil better..=)


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥