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Saturday, January 26, 2008
finzy posted at 11:41 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I wonder how come some people so don't cherish their own lives. Last week on my way to the train station, this half naked guy suddenly ran past me and dashed across the busy street, ignorant to the bus that was approaching. That left me stunned for a moment. When he returned, I saw a soccer ball in his hand. The first thought that came into my mind, which I suppose almost all of you will too, was that this is a stupid fellow. Reason? Simple and straightforward-a ball or your life? Only a fool will choose the former over the latter.

On another instance, while I was on my way home, I saw this whole group of people, who were waiting at the traffic light, turning their heads towards the same direction. Beholding the unique local value of kpo-ism, I looked towards their direction. And I saw this young man trying to dash out of the main road while his 2 other friends were trying to hold him back. The about-to-dash and trying-to-grab-his-shirt-and-pull-him-back actions were repeated quite a few times, at least the whole while while I was waiting for the man to turn green. Quite a shock to me, witnessing these kind of 惊险 scenes twice a week. What is happening to people nowadays?

Anyway, bad things aside, went out with lil cousin today to shop for her top and my own stuffs and I am so happy because I have finally settled my cny stuffs today!!! wohoo~~Can comfortably wait for the day to come liao..Haha..But not that comfortably bah, cause still gotta do spring cleaning next week, which is gonna be very tiring! But the thought of the whole family working together naturally cuts down the unwillingness, torture and tire =) Looking forward to cny cause can rest, can wear new clothes, can eat many many many cny goodies! Wahaha..

Sunday, January 20, 2008
finzy posted at 12:29 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I went bugis with HuaHua yesterday and as usual, bought alot of things. Initially I only planned to accompany her shop but ended up buying with her also. Heex..Anyway, I bought a checked shirt/blouse that I super like! I am so super excited and happy!!! I've been wanting to get such a shirt for some time le, that was like ever since I saw my lao gong wearing it on tv and magazine. Heex..

don't they look alike? wahahah..we have a couple shirt!!! wahahah..

Saturday, January 12, 2008
finzy posted at 11:23 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Today, I brought lil cuzzie to bugis, since she wanted to get some cny clothings and the places that she always go with her parents don't have what she wants. She was so excited about the trip because it has been some time since I last brought her out. To her, it was also a time to fang si and eat whatever she likes and wants. So I let her try some new food and let her eat food that she likes but her parents seldom let her eat. Anyway, we bought a lot of stuffs at bugis village!!!
It has only been like a month or less since I last went bugis and I realised they've got so much new stuffs now! So much that I don't know which I should buy, because I like them all! Heex..In the end, spent all the money withdrawn today, which leaves me with nothing to spend on Monday le. But it feels good with "big bags small bags" at hand at the end of the day. Heex..

Lil cuzzie just called and said she liked the clothings bought at bugis just now. I can sense her happiness over the phone. Heex, lil kids are just so cute. Hope she had a good and fun day =)

Bro just came home and he scored victory on his shopping trip too! Wohoo~~


Yesterday, 2 mountain tortoises went to the gym for the first time in their lives. They went in, tried to figure out the instructions for each equipment by themselves until this guy, whom they presumed was the instructor, came to their "rescue". They tried the running track, the bicycle, the stepping up and down and some other weight lifting equipment. Letting out some sweat made them felt more refreshed too. And of cause, made worth the money. Heex..

After the eye-opening experience, they slowly walked to Chong Pang, hoping to savour some good food, only to find that the nice Western food stall was still not open for business. So they ordered some other food and as usual, ended up eating alot. Calories burnt through the 2-hour gym session has been easily "refilled" within that few minutes. Heex..Shall persevere and try to keep fit, as least till cny, so looking forward to more gym sessions and the hip-hop dance! =P

Friday, January 4, 2008
finzy posted at 11:45 AM | 0 Noticed Me

After dragging for so long, I finally went to collect my prize won through a newspaper contest - the Show on Stage pictorial, yesterday. Super excited when the lady handed me the package, basically the book comes with a folder with 8 A4 size pictures of Show so it was in the form of a package. Heex..

The book!!!
Shuai shuai de lao gong =P
My bao bei =)

Backtracking a little, the previous week was kinda busy with many activities and outings/gatherings. On the first day of the new year 2008, I met up with my ex-colleagues. We went to minds and it was fun, I totally lost my image lah, shouted so loud till got a bit off pitch. Heex..It was great time hanging out with them. Hope to meet up with them soon.

A very blur me thought that the New Year Eve fireworks display at Marina was scheduled to start at 9pm so me, Swee Ling and a group of new friends, who are actually Swee Ling's CCA-mates, went to settle down at the fireworks area at 8plus, a little before 9. Then XiaXia msged me say she saw on ST it was at 12. By 9plus, still nothing so we concluded that XiaXia's news was right. We sat down there gossiping, hoping that a miracle will happen, that they will release some before 12 too. All I can say is miracles don't happen too often. So some of us left at 10plus and I went to CWP to join my parents in the countdown instead. Missed the fireworks at Marina, but managed to join my parents in the Woodlands countdown event, catching fireworks with them and being with them on the very first second of the brand new year, it was definitely worth it.

With Swee Ling and her friends..fun people =)

The day after Fish Leong's concert, 5 of us went to celebrate XiaXia's birthday. HuaHua suggested trying something new so we decided to be daring and and we went to a two-storeyed Egyptian restaurant at Haji Lane to try out. The ambience was not bad, kinda cozy, with all the lights being dimmed and only fans operating. The guy who served us was cute in the funny sense, very cordial, trying to explain to us what's on the menu and recommending to us how the food should be mixed and matched to taste nice. As for the food mah, hmmm, not bad lah, spicy type. It's a once in a lifetime experience, just once will do, if you get what I mean. Heex..

The interior of the restaurant..

The pretty ladies =P
With the waiter who served us..


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥