I was so excited about the party that I woke up at 7am yesterday morning even though I slept at 2plus the night before. Heex..
XiaXia came over to my house at around 11plus in the morning, supposedly to help me deco my house. But we went CWP to meet my mummy for lunch and shopped for a while before heading home. It was like 3plus in the afternoon le so we decided to chop chop, lucky still got bro and Ting around to help out. So we started decorating the house, half fooling around, half doing work. The whole process was very fun. Heex..
Party deco bought from bugis..
Erm, are we preparing for a party or pagent?

Come on, don't be shy to show ur body! =P

Any companies lookin for new 代言人?

We speak no evil..