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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
finzy posted at 11:58 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Today's the 3rd day of the recess week and i've done nothing but slack. Supposed to study for the horrible accounting quiz nxt wk but just too lazy so kinda behind time now..heex..

Went to the zoo today for a voluntary work that my uni frens and I have signed up for thru wsc..it's a 1-day event to the zoo with austistic kids..actually i din think too much abt it before the event, just thought of doin sth nice then since it has also been some time since i visited the zoo, so might as well make use of this chance lor..

Realised the zoo hasn't changed much since my childhood days..the same toilets, same layout, same species of animals..brings back alot of childhood memories - the family dining in at the A&W located near the car-park and entrance, taking the tram around the zoo, taking pictures with the animals, feeding the horses, enjoying the animal shows, etc etc..everything seemed so new, so fresh, so interesting to a kid back then..revisiting the zoo as a young adult now, the feeling is kinda different..the exciting feeling is still there but no longer as curious as before..

Anw, back to the event, it was super tiring! Especially so when coupled with the hot weather and the super active nature of the kid who was under our care..4 of us were supposed to take care of 2 kids tgt but very naturally, dunno why, we broke up into 2 groups of 2 taking care of 1 kid each..the kid who was under our care is v smart..totally amazed by him..when he's quietly sitting down, enjoying the "cool breeze" (fanned by us), mac n the cold drink, he's actually v cute..heex..there's actually a trick to "handling" the kid, once u've discovered and mastered it, everything will turn out to be nt that tough and difficult to control afterall..just like the saying, "no matter how smart, how capable etc a person is, he/she is bound to have his/her own weaknesses"..

After 2 hrs of chashing, grabbing, coaxing, fanning, etc, we were all dead beat..but it was fun..and meaning of cause..it's a different kind of experience, learning a different way of 与人相处..i hope the kids had fun with all the volunteers tdy and that tdy's trip will be a memorable n enjoyable one for them, one in which when in future they think back of their childhood, all the happy moments spent in the zoo will come flowing back..heex..Afterall, kids are rightly entitled to a happy childhood.

P.S: I saw rainbow twice on my way backee home!!! Whee~~~

Friday, February 13, 2009
finzy posted at 10:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I was having dinner with my family yesterday and while discussing where Bro was planning to go for his grad trip, Papa brought up this Tioman trip which my parents and I went (without bro cuz he wasn't born yet) when I was a lil kid.

He said on the day of return back to sg, the tour guide arranged for everyone to board this boat, those kind that you always see on the Singapore River. Then the ah goong tour guide actually carried me onto the vacant boat first. So the then-very-lil me wandered off by myself while my parents were still on land and according to my Papa, I was walking along the sides of the boat and not at all scared. He was so scared that I would fall into the river that he was lost for words. In the bottom of his heart, he was frantically praying for nothing to happen to me. And of cuz, since I am able to type this post, everything turned out to be fine.

Papa was saying he couldn't understand why I was so brave then. A lil girl, alone, onboard this totally peculiar boat, no tantrums, no cryings for Papa and Mummy and totally had no idea how close she was to drowning.

I felt so warm at heart after hearing what Papa has said. A father's love. Unspokable but deeply felt.
Another thought came into my mind not long after. Why, as we grow up, we tend to become more 胆小怕事,more 敢怒不敢言, more afraid to fail, more scared of this and that?

Childeren speak whatever comes into their minds, do whatever they feel like doing, not afraid of making mistakes and failing. Why? Because they know that there are always the parents whom they can turn to, whom will clear up the messes they've created. Because they will be and can be easily forgiven on account that they are still kids.

Young adults, on the other hand, cannot be as 潇洒. We have more responsibilities to bear, more considerations to take into, more concerns, more worries. We are expected to be more independent, more sensible, more able to distinguish between right and wrong. We tend to be more careful in our speech and conduct, deploying the so-called play safe or 多一事不如少一事 attitude. We tend to think about the consequences before we speak and carry out any actions beacuse we are afraid of facing the dire consequences when things go wrong, because we are afraid of regrets. As we grow up, we have to face mistakes, obstacles and challenges and learn to clear up those messes we've created ourselves. The last thing that we want is our parents worrying for us all the time, that we've failed them. We want them to be proud of us.

Okie, I think im rambling nonsense now. All I wanna say is: I miss my days as a kid.


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥