~~Happy Birthday to my dearest Mummy n Ah Yi~~

since age is a woman's secret, shan't disclose much here..heex..wishin them da best of health, n 年年十八! lolz..i lurve them both!!! =)
sumtimes it is beri tirin n frustratin havin to repeatedly tell/expln to u da same things over n over agn, but i dun mean it de..sumtimes i may ignore u when u speak to mi, but dat's becuz im reli in a foul mood n i reli dun wanna tok abt it at dat moment..sumtimes wat naturally comes out frm ur mouth r juz so naive n farnie dat i cant help but laugh my heads off..sumtimes u juz dun heed my advices n go ahead wif wat u tink is right n shld be done, without considerin da consequences..sumtimes, sumtimes, sumtimes..we've been sharin so mani moments tgt for 20yrs alrdy..i beri much cherish n appreciate everything dat i haf nw n all dat you've done for mi..n i reli mean EVERY THING..i love you, my dearest mummy! i love my family! =)
ps: sowrie for tis beri mushy entry..da emotions juz swelled up frm within..geex..
sumtimes it is beri tirin n frustratin havin to repeatedly tell/expln to u da same things over n over agn, but i dun mean it de..sumtimes i may ignore u when u speak to mi, but dat's becuz im reli in a foul mood n i reli dun wanna tok abt it at dat moment..sumtimes wat naturally comes out frm ur mouth r juz so naive n farnie dat i cant help but laugh my heads off..sumtimes u juz dun heed my advices n go ahead wif wat u tink is right n shld be done, without considerin da consequences..sumtimes, sumtimes, sumtimes..we've been sharin so mani moments tgt for 20yrs alrdy..i beri much cherish n appreciate everything dat i haf nw n all dat you've done for mi..n i reli mean EVERY THING..i love you, my dearest mummy! i love my family! =)
ps: sowrie for tis beri mushy entry..da emotions juz swelled up frm within..geex..