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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
finzy posted at 11:12 PM | 0 Noticed Me

~~Happy Birthday to my dearest Mummy n Ah Yi~~

since age is a woman's secret, shan't disclose much here..heex..wishin them da best of health, n 年年十八! lolz..i lurve them both!!! =)

sumtimes it is beri tirin n frustratin havin to repeatedly tell/expln to u da same things over n over agn, but i dun mean it de..
sumtimes i may ignore u when u speak to mi, but dat's becuz im reli in a foul mood n i reli dun wanna tok abt it at dat moment..sumtimes wat naturally comes out frm ur mouth r juz so naive n farnie dat i cant help but laugh my heads off..sumtimes u juz dun heed my advices n go ahead wif wat u tink is right n shld be done, without considerin da consequences..sumtimes, sumtimes, sumtimes..we've been sharin so mani moments tgt for 20yrs alrdy..i beri much cherish n appreciate everything dat i haf nw n all dat you've done for mi..n i reli mean EVERY THING..i love you, my dearest mummy! i love my family! =)

ps: sowrie for tis beri mushy entry..da emotions juz swelled up frm within..geex..

Monday, September 24, 2007
finzy posted at 11:50 PM | 0 Noticed Me

recess wk has alrdy started n i've alrdy forsee dat tis is gonna b a beri hectic wk..tut, assignments, lab reports, revision, tests, blah blah blah..so da conclusion is

recess = no break

i dun expect life aft da recess wk to b ani much better actuali..basicali it's juz work n work..every wk-drain-all-ur-energy de lab sessions to attend, lab reports to churn out, tests to prepare..cycle goes on n on..

but...recess is stil a time to take a short break mah..so..went out wif cuzzies on sat, to sort of celebrate huahua's bdae..huahua is finali 18! woohoo~ya so she wanted to experience wat an 18-yr-old can do so...we went clubbin! hmmm
dun reli noe wat n hw to to describe our encounter in phuture..in short, we drank alot, mostly treats of cuz, n sum of us din feel reli well..alcohols r reli nt nice, dun understand hw cum sum pple can drink so much so often..it's okie to drink once in a while lah but dere's always a limit to things..n i believe dat da more u wan to drink to drown ur sorrows, da more difficult it is to get drunk..

anw, i reli hope dat huahua enjoyed herself, even if it is juz for dat lil while..hope dat i've managed to make her feel a lil better..=)

Thursday, September 13, 2007
finzy posted at 10:45 PM | 0 Noticed Me

aft every lab session, i always felt dat my stupidity has gone up by one lvl..it's so depressin n demoralizin..i've tried, reli tried, but sumtimes sum habits n stuf u juz cant change within such a short time..im learnin to b less absent-minded, more indpt, less clumpsy n more efficient..tryin to learn hw to operate da machines n stuf, nt botherin/troublin pple all da time..dat kind of helplessness, dun-even-noe-simple-stuf/exptal technique, noe-nuts-abt-operating-a-machine de feelin is reli nt gd..like im so useless lidat....

worse of all, i haf to engage da help of so mani pple juz to help mi complete 1 simple task..n every wk dey hafta wait for mi, n by da time im done wif my washin up n stuf, it's alrdy time for da nxt lect..dey dun even haf time to lunch even though dey were beri hungry, so poor thing..it reli makes mi feel beri beri beri bad..

da emotions lecturer was showin us da lyrics of 2 songs tdy n i tink 1 of them reli describes my xin qing nw..shall update it agn aft she post da lect slides..

Thursday, September 6, 2007
finzy posted at 10:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me

tdy is juz nt my day..or shld i sae, lab days r all juz nt my days..heex..started da lab session tdy sweeping da floor..cuz i din pay attention to da notice pasted outside da oven so i happily took out da drying tube n pa, da beads spilled all over da floor..none left in da tube..so u can imagine hw "wide-spread" da "damage" was..lucky my lab mates r kind souls, 1 helped mi to get da broom n dust pan while d other helped mi to sweep up da mess..but i felt bad lettin mi him sweep da floor for mi la, since i was da one whu created da mess, so i shld b da one clearin it up lah, so ya, i took over frm him eventualli..i juz wanna sae a beri big thank u to them!!! heex..

da worst has yet to cum..i actuali followed people blindly n screwed up my whole expt..spent a few hrs doin da expt n ended wif nuthin..frm wat i can remb, tis is da 2nd time le bah..da 1st was da fractional distillation i did wif a fren last yr but dat wasnt so bad i guess..tis was worse..i felt so sad n angry n stupid lah..more of da latter though..y did i haf to follow wat those so-called li hai de pple sae? why was i so naive n stupid to trust them completely? why didnt i ask for more opinions? why why why..so angry at myself lah..but ive learnt a beri valuable lsn tdy: always seek for professional advices and turn to more reliable n trustworthy pple for help..da majority may nt always be right..it may end up everybody doin da wrong things, die tgt..

so nt lookin forward to da nxt 2 wks cuz doin da top 2 hardest n longest expt for this 1st half of da sem..die..dun even noe if i can manage to finish on time nt..seriously i dunno why im so slow leh..mebe cuz im more cautious bah, so everything muz double check be4 doin..perhaps wif more prac, i'll bec more shou lian n pro bah..heex..


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥