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Sunday, December 7, 2008
finzy posted at 1:03 AM

Finally back to updating my 21st birthday party! Heex..Been so busy these days, attending to all the preparations for our dear-very-much-anticipated Taiwan trip!!! Wohoo~~~

Talking about my 21st birthday party, which took place last month (on 8 Nov 2008) but still seemed so recent up, it was a very very busy but fun and enjoyable party.

The day started with XiaXia coming to my house in the late morning, supposedly to help me decorate my house but in actual, brought many pleasant surprises for me *wink winks* Then after decorating the house, with much help from Bro and XiaXia and teeny weeny bit of help from our Ms Hay No1, XiaXia and I started to dress- and make-up, with like only an hour left to the start of the party. Everything was like so rush but formal, even Papa commented that it was as though it was my wedding day. Wahahah..

Anyway, just as we were in the midst of our make-up session, the buffet uncle came. And I had to search for the invoice for my parents so that they could "count" if the dishes tallied, if they were what we asked for. And I missed the part in which the uncle set up the whole layout cuz I had to finish up my make-up. Heex...

Then, people started coming in at around 6.30pm. I cant really remember who were the ones who came in first, think it was my relatives. Then not long after, my 1st group of friends-my JC clique, arrived. Then more and more people started flowing in, and I was running here and there, "escorting" my friends into my room to put their belongings, bringing them out to get food, directing them to somewhere to sit, and before I could sit down and chat with them, another group of friends came and the whole process went on and on. So I was like running all about, but it wasn't at all tiring, in fact, I enjoyed the whole process. I am truly sorry to all who turned up for the party because I am not a very good host lah but I hoped that you all have enjoyed yourselves, enjoyed all the juicy gossips that you all have shared but which I have missed out. Grrr....

Though some unhappy events occurred during the party, I weren't troubled by them at all because I didn't bother much about them. It's my party, why should I let these things affect my mood? Heex..But actually it's nothing much lah. Heex..

After the cake-cutting, photo-takings and all, the guests started to leave, with the last group of friends leaving at 12plus. Then it was time to wrap up everything. Clear the food, collect back all the chairs, mop the floor, etc etc. I couldn't bear to bathe, cuz everything was like so nice, so pretty and perfect, so unlike the normal/usual/casual me. Heex...So took many many photos before I finally went to take my bath. Heex...

After I came out from the shower, my cousins and mummy were all in my room, waiting for me to unwrap my presents. I have never received so many presents in a day before, so happy =) But I decided not to cuz I wanted to wait for the actual day. But under "pressure" from them, I unwrapped lil cousin's and it was a very sweet gift from him. As for the presents from cousins/bfs and bro, it was a very very very very unexpected gift. I was so touched when I saw that gift from them, I can imagine the time and efforts that XiaXia and HuaHua have put in, it's something that brings back so so much memories, something that I will cherish very very much.

"Guest book" done by XiaXia and HuaHua

A priceless gift that brings back lotsa memories...

Initially, after the gift-wrapping, cousins and I planned to drink and have girls' talk de, but lil cousin was tagging us cuz he's not sleepy at all but Bro was too tired to entertain him. Haha..And this little dimple guy actaully taught us a new game that is being played with UNO cards. Suddenly I felt so old. Haha..The funny part was he was the one who taught us how to play but in the end, we became more pro than him. Wahahaha..Kids are kids, they have endless energy lah, he wasn't at all tired after all the games, so wide awake at 5plus in the morning. We reli couldn't tahan anymore and we told him to go sleep. The next day, he woke up at ard the same time as us. Kids...

Cannot believe that the party has been over just like that. Few hours as though few minutes. This was the first time we are holding a party in our house and I am amazed that our house could actually accommodate so many people. Had me worry so much before that. Heex..Shall express my gratitude to everyone who has helped in making the party a great great success through this post:

Thank you Papa and Mummy for financially supporting the party. =P

Thank you Bro, XiaXia and Ting for helping out in the decorations.

Thank you XiaXia and HuaHua for the surprises.

Thank YOU for attending my party despite the exams being just round the corner.

Thank YOU for the well-thought-of presents.

Thank YOU for making my 21years of life so special and I look forward to more 21years ahead.

Many many thanks to YOU, YOU and YOU!!!


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥