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Friday, February 15, 2008
finzy posted at 10:21 PM

CNY Day 2

We went to Ah Yi's house in the morning, ate and ate and ate, 'cause there was so much food at their place lor, and some are food that you don't usually find in others' houses during CNY. Although we are considered guests, we weren't treated like one. Haha..

After that, we headed off to the hawker near harbourfront centre for our lunch and gosh, we saw a super long queue of people queueing to take the bus to Sentosa lor. We were like, oh no, is the monorail down? Else how come so many people queueing for bus. We wanted to take the monorail to Sentosa, cause we've never taken it before. But by the time we finished our lunch and walked over to the monorail station to take the Sentosa Express (hope i got it right), the queue was again VERY long. Afraid that we will miss our movie, Papa called for a change of plan, Sentosa trip cancelled and we walked around Vivo instead. After which we went to grandparents' house for dinner and then movie.

Papa and Mummy wanted to watch Ah Long Pte Ltd so bro and I on also lor since Papa's paying. Heex..Read many reviews about this movie and they were mostly qt bad so I didn't have high hopes for this movie. After watching it, the only word to describe is: HILARIOUS. There's no storyline and quite lame actually but if u just want a good laugh, it's not bad. Those kind that you can laugh really loudly and even hit the arms of your seat, and since the theatre is lights-off, no one will know it's you who is so cu lu =P

CNY Day 3

The Hay's came over to my house in the morning and the three Missies plus their father were having fun playing with the hammies. XiaXia even wanted to take one home to rear, the idea which was strongly supported by my parents but to opposition from her Mum of cause. Heex..

We went to Lao Sim's, Da Gu's and her husband's mother's, Xiao Gu's houses after that. Then it was over to Ah Yi's house again! I was quite surprised that Papa suggested going over to Ah Yi's house for dinner. Anyway, we had lotsa fun there! Played the Big/Small game with bro, XiaXia and HuaHua and later their dad chipped in too after hearing us shouting and laughing so loudly and wildly. Haha..Super funny lor, we just anyhow placed our bets like nobody's money. Haha..Stayed over at their place and continued playing the Singapore version Monopoly. We gave up on The Game of Life, too chim for us le. We are more suited for games that don't require us to think so much. Haha..Cant believe I was the first to go bankrupt, thought it would be bro cause he had so few properties! Basically he took what was left over lah. Haha..

CNY Day 4

Uncle and Ah Yi gave me a ride home on their way to the market and after a shower and some preparations, I went to meet Hui Shi and Shuwen to go Daphne's house for a mj session. Heex..Haven't been playing for some years le, seems like the basics are still okie. Heex..Perhaps because Daphne's the host, she was the big winner of the day and the most poor thing was Hui Shi. After Shuwen left to meet her friends, the three of us played and she was the only one losing. Daphne and I never alliance to bully her wor. Haha..Had fun playing mj with them but on our way home, Hui Shi and I started to have our post-CNY depression syndrome le. Heex..


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥