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Sunday, December 14, 2008
finzy posted at 1:47 PM

Taiwan Trip Ep 1 (07.12.2008)

The clock read 3.30am on a fine Sunday morning. With much anticipation and excitement, I woke up after a mere 2-hours sleep. The day has finally arrived!!! Wahahaha...

Papa was the 2nd one to wake up and after some dressing up, he went down to the nearest coffee shop to da bao breakfast for us. Then it was a fast breakfast while doing last minute checks to ensure that we've brought all the necessities and that all the windows etc have been properly locked and electricity off.

We went down to wait for cuzzies' dad to drive us to the airport at around 5.15am. It was so nice of him to offer us a ride =) On the way to the airport, I had some mixed emotions. Feeling excited about going on a trip with my family but kinda scared and nervous at the same time because it has been some time since I last stepped out of my comfort zone into a foreign territory, unaware of what is awaiting me.

We were supposed to gather at 6.05am but the tour leader was late. Waited till around 6.30am before we checked in. The flight was scheduled at 8.05am so while waiting for the gate to open, we walked around, took some pictures and made use of their free internet access.

The plane looks big but I think the seats are like too packed together, as in the spacing between the 1st and 2nd row is too little, don't even have enough space for me to stretch my legs. But the good thing is there is entertainment - movies, fm, games, music, shows, etc, to help us pass time. We made use of the time to catch up with our sleep too. Heex...There has been this "remedy" that has been passed on from generations to generations that if you experience discomfort in your ears while at great altitudes, swallow your saliva and you'll be alright. I kinda agree that it works to a certain extent. Try it out next time when you are on the plane. Heex...

On the plane...

4 hours 40 minutes later, I proudly announced, "Taiwan, here I come!"

Couldn't contain my excitement. I'm finally in Taiwan le yeh! The place which I've always seen on tv, but never had the chance to go. Now now now, the chance has come! Wahahaha...

Awaiting us when we stepped out of 桃园
中正国际机场 was a coach and a guy whom I supposed was our tour guide. The 1st place we went was Taipei 101. On the way there, I saw many places which I've always hear on taiwanese shows like 新光三越, 诚品书店, 纽约纽约 etc. The area surrounding Taipei 101 were basically shopping malls, or rather high-class shopping malls with all the well-known brands inside, just like our Paragon.

The building right behind the red block is the "legendary" 新光三越

Inside Taipei 101 shopping mall...

You'll get to see many many ads with famous artistes all around Taiwan.
Was super excited when I saw this ad outside Watson. Heex...

We "meet" Patty Hou too.

A trip up to Taipei 101 costs about 450NT which is around S$27 and it takes only like less than 20minutes so we decided not to go up there and walked walked around the area instead.

Taipei 101

A picture with the tallest building is not bad either. Heex...

We were amazed by this guy in one of the shopping malls cuz he was super polite. I think he's sort of the customer service officer cuz I saw people approaching him to ask for directions and locations of shops. He doesn't have a seat, throughout the time we observed him, he stood beside this very small counter, dressed in very neat suit, smiling and bowing to every single person who approached him for help. After rendering his assistance to them, he even thanked them and bowed to them again. A perfect 90 degree bow. And mind you, he did the same actions to EVERY person. I was shocked and amazed by his politeness and his passion for his work. It's a sight I guess I would never ever see in Singapore bah.

After that, we went to 中正纪念堂 and saw many exhibits of Mr Chiang Kai Shek.

One thing that I must mention is that although there is no time lapse between Singapore and Taiwan, the daytime in Taiwan is shorter, basically the sun sets at around 5plus and by 5.30pm it's total darkness, just like our 9,10pm. That's why when we stepped out of the memorial hall, we were shocked, cuz when we went in it was still very bright and sunny, but after 30-45min when we stepped out, nighttime greeted us. And because of that, we nearly lost our way cuz every entrance/exit looked the same to us! Heex...

We managed to catch sight of people gathering in their 自有广场, trying to stage a protest. It was very 夸张 , with many people and props around-stage, banners, petitions, etc and many vans from the various tv stations, trying to film down the scene, it was really an eye-opener for us. I think it was quite scary also, cuz you never know when these people will suddenly turn crazy and drag you in, force you to join in their protest.

The last place that we visited on our 1st day in Taiwan was 西门町. It's really equivalent to our Orchard/Far East. The whole place was very big, if you are not familiar with the area like us, you'll easily lose your way. You'll see the same stuffs over and over again at different parts of
西门町, quite the same as our Bugis Village in a way.

A must-try delicacy, especially under such low temperature, cold weather.

Taken outside 西门町's Big Train.
My lao gong is as tall as me. Wahahaha...

Then it was back to our hotel. By then, it was already like 9,10plus. Watched abit of their taiwanese idol dramas before going to sleep. Shall conserve energy for the next day =)


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥