Yesterday was my last day at work. Although it's only 2 weeks and this is not the first time I am working at the same place, with the same group of people, and sitting at the same desk, I felt very very sad when the day ended. Perhaps it's because 又多了一份感情,所以不舍也自然而然地又多了一份. Or perhaps it's because this time round, other than me, 2 other colleagues will be leaving the company also.
These 2 weeks at yeo's have been very fun, although there are alot of work to be done, but going to work everyday is not at all a chore. Compared to the first time, I felt more easy, more like my true self, and we'll joke around and make fun of one another.
People always say happy moments always pass very quickly. I totally agree. Little little bits - Pamela, Aishah and I cooping ourselves in our room sharing pizzas and snacks, planning birthday surprises for June, exchanging xmas gifts, Uncle John trying to hard-sell his 2 sons to me, Gary forever making fun of me, Annie and Pei Fen forever giving lil lil gifts to me, the whole world thinking that I am an underage kid, etc etc, too too many for me list down. I felt adorned, just like a little girl =)
They told me to give them a call next time when school vacation starts again. But the next time I go back there, it'll no longer be the same le bah. Cuz Uncle John is retiring while Senior Gary is leaving for somewhere where greater opportunities lie for him. I wish them all the best and I sincerely thank every one of them for their 照顾 during these 2 weeks. I will miss you all de.