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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
finzy posted at 6:53 PM

Yesterday was a very happy day.

Last night, out of boredom and for the fun of it, I tried calling into a radio station. And the line got through! Haha..Listening to my own voice being broadcasted on air, it feels kinda shuang. Didn't know yuan lai I sound like that. Haha..

And last night, I had a dream. A very weird dream.

I dreamt that bro met xiaozhu, forgot at where, then bro fall down and then xiaozhu went to give him a hand. Then xiaozhu felt bad that bro got hurt because of him so he decided to sort of like return a favour to bro, grant him a wish and sort de lah. Then bro came home and told me about his encounter and of cuz, I was so super excited and envious of him lah. So I begged bro to bring me with him to go meet xiaozhu. And I brought his book, magazines, cds, etc, anything that could be autographed on with me, hoping that he can and will autograph for me. And then...I forgot.

Argh...I don't know why, the dream got interrupted. I don't know if anything happened after that. If something had really happen, I cannot remember le also. Not a single bit of idea. Argh....

Nevertheless, being able to see him in my dream is already a very happy thing le..Heex..He appears even in my dreams wor! Haha.. With him, all dreams are sweet dreams. =)


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥