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Monday, April 28, 2008
finzy posted at 10:49 PM


After the last paper today, the whole clique went to ms in shuwen's car to celebrate kangli's birthday. Walked around the mall in search of kangli's present before finally settling on a bag from charles and keith which I think is not bad.

Dinner was at pasta de waraku. I think the waiter likes huishi cause he kept wanting to serve her. Heex..Anyway, I found a strand of hair in my pasta and, of cause, as a consumer, I immediately asked for a change. Nevertheless, the food was nice.

Went over to suntec and I spotted basketball machines at the arcade! So the whole clique xing zhi bo bo went in, divided ourselves into groups of 2 to compete, exchanged tokens, and ta da, the match started. We were so excited and I can hear the oops and ar-s from beside me. Eventually the huishi-and-daphne pair won. They were the only pair that got into the 2nd round. Haha..I think it was very fun lor, must go there to play each time I go suntec in future. Heex..

Went to carrefour to see the deuter bags and we ended up shopping there. There were so many things to play and see. Dedicated a birthday song to kangli too, hope she likes it =) Saw many new items on display such as a hair-dryer that can make your hair straight after using it and a sort of like a pot thingy that can turn your dough into bread. So amazing. So we spent much of our time yan jiu-ing those devices like tai-tais lidat (not housewives ya =P) and it was fun. Got to know many things from them. Actually I think we had more fun in the hypermart than shopping outside. Heex..

I hope kangli enjoyed herself today though she was still not feeling quite well just now. Hope she likes the lil surprise we planned for her. Still not 12mn yet so Happy 21st Birthday to you still, my dear friend! Get well soon! =)


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥