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Saturday, May 10, 2008
finzy posted at 1:11 PM

I was supposed to meet up with a sec sch friend yesterday and while waiting for her, I stood in front of the map placed somewhere outside the control station, trying to see where the National Library is situated. Then this uncle approached me and asked if I am a foreigner. Then he said he thought I was Michelle Chia. He said my eyes look so much like hers. At that moment, I felt ridiculous cause seriously I don't look a teeny weeny bit like her. Anyway I just politely walked off after that. But come to think of it now, it's kinda funny huh. Haha..

Started my special sem module on Tuesday, quite tiring. But the lecturer is urmp, funny, which is a better choice of adjective than lame. Heex..And he respects us so much, always release us early! Haha..

Went to send Mei Wei and Hui Shi off last weekend. I think Mei Wei is really brave, taking the plane alone. Just the thought of it is already so scary. Small tiny girl with big big courage. And the scene of her n her bf hugging together, looking so bu she de is so touching. So tv serials are really reflecting real life. Heex..Hope both Mei Wei and Hui Shi enjoy their trips and that everything is going well for them now. Anyway, after sending off Hui Shi, Kangli, Daphne and I went to k and don't know, we suddenly had a cam whoring itch and began taking some silly photos. Haha..

Some "normal pictures"..

so near yet so far..what a pathetic couple..

认真的女人最美丽..A penny for our thoughs =)

poor maria has to work so hard while madam is enjoying her beauty sleep..

It's always so peaceful and calm before disaster strikes..
Round 1, fight!

Aiyah, 原来只是夫妻俩耍花腔,哄一哄就happy ending,没事了.
~The End~


.:: NOw PLAying___
Ge Zhong Qiang Shou 箇中強手 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥